Did anyone notice when they were in the dough nut shop and he asked for a Dr Pepper and the waitress says all they have is two things (coffee and dough nuts). During the scene you look behind him and there is a refer with Dr Pepper in it as well other drinks. Then the waitress shows up with a Coke for Addison.
Yes, how could you not... I was cracking up so hard... THe waitress is rude and shrugs him off as to say that they don't serve Dr. Pepper. The director should have noticed the large refrigerator in the background stocked with D.P the only thing you can say is 'wow, what a great script'
thats not the only scene like that, there is also a scene with the guy from farscape (sorry forgot his character's name), is in the murder victims house and he asks his partner "is there anything to drink in here like dr. pepper, or diet dr. pepper?", then he opens the fridge to see thats its stocked completely full with dr. pepper cans. then he says "hmm, milk, juice, water, nah, never mind." im like, what? that fridge was full of dr. pepper, there wasn't even any milk, or juice in there. and also, why does this guy like dr. pepper so much? lol. it kinda reminds me of the heavy mcdonalds product placement in the scifi miniseries "five days 'til midnight".
i guess in this movie they were so set on having dr. pepper product placement that they tried to mention it and show it as much as possible without any care to wether it made sense in the script.
That was Ben Browder as Sam Moss. And yes, it was total product placement. They did the same with the Shiner Bock beer and that security company sign in front of the houses.
You've never been a disgruntled waitress, have you, with people asking irritating questions, especially ones with obvious answers? So, her "no Dr. Pepper" I took as a gibe at a customer she finds irritating. At that point in time, obviously everything irritates her! I know the feeling so well! If they saw the caseful of soft drinks, who says he didn't grab one?
It's Texas. Isn't that synonymous with Dr. Pepper? That's what it felt like every time we visited cousins down there. They would have cases of the stuff everywhere and rarely offered anything but that. They even drank it hot! So, it's no surprise to me.
And, why do people freak out when products are named or shown?! Are you going to slam "Candy" because the druggies were eating at McDonald's and even threw in a line about it? I think it's weird that people DON'T mention products because people do it in everyday life, whenever they go into a cafe or fast-food place and even at friends' houses, where they generally will ask for their favorite or just what's available.
I don't even know about the beer and didn't notice any of that since I'm a teetotaller. So, isn't it a complete failure as product placement if a ? It can't be product placement unless it's obvious to everyone. Again, I don't understand all of the uproar over this. Products always have been displayed in movies and television, even if it's recognizable packaging even with the name covered. A KFC bucket is a KFC bucket, with or without the Colonel's picture. People live in a world of products~except when they're on our TV and movie screens it seems. Then, they're supposed to be generic I suppose. I just wonder why viewers seem to be so alert to it instead of concentrating on the movie.
I don't that's quite how it happened in the movie. In the doughnut shop, Browder asked the lady for some sort of espresso drink like a cappuccino or latte. The lady said they only had two kinds of coffee (I assume she meant regular and decaf). He then asks for a Dr. Pepper, and she brings it.
In the house, Esposito asks for something to drink. Browder says he has Dr. Pepper and Diet Dr. Pepper. He opens the fridge and adds that he also has juice and milk.
Yeah. And they how they said the obvious product placement lines was just hilarious! Like the actors knew they were plugging stupid *beep* and despised it. They were so sarcastic in their delivery.
------------------------------------------------------- "May I say, what a SMASHING blouse you have on?"