MovieChat Forums > The Golden Compass (2007) Discussion > 'That's odd...' deleted scene

'That's odd...' deleted scene

There's a deleted scene in a five minute preview, in which Pan confronts a cat, then says, "That's odd, she acted as though she'd never seen another person's daemon before." Where would that scene fit into the movie? Was it maybe supposed to be after Pan and Lyra leave their universe at the end, and it was supposed to be an end credits teaser scene for the sequel? Or was it just an exposition scene for the beginning of the movie to try to explain daemons?


There are many alternate takes and secondary FX shots in the teaser that don't appear in the movie. Looks like it was cobbled together from test shots, scenes filmed at the beginning of the project to gain investors, and explanatory scenes created specifically for the first 10-minute preview. Much like what they did with the second Tron movie: filmed a test teaser, promoted it, and then shoehorned as much of that footage as they could into the film after they found investors and distributors.



Late answer, but anyway:

The first entry on this site describes it pretty well:

It was an alternate opening for the movie.
The cat, which "has never seen a daemon before" comes from a different universe. The scene should have let the viewer experience the multiple universe concept as well as introduce "windows" for the sequel.
