Directors Cut

I know Weitz had a totally different version of the movies that New Line butchered. (I feel like they have no one to blame but themselves for the US flop of this movie.) With that said, will/has New Line released a "directors cut" of this movie? Seeing as it is highly unlikely there will ever be a sequel, what's the harm in releasing the original version? Do we think it has the proper ending to the book or was that not shot at all?


If you look on YouTube there is a "book ending" cobbled together with footage from the trailer, game, concept art and audio - I think Chris Weitz is behind it. I knew there would be no Subtle Knife when they decided the "bonkers" decision to save the last three chapters for the second film. They then switched the two big set pieces around to give the movie a climax when the climax of the book would have made a much better ending. It's an utterly stupid decision. I too would like to see the "proper film" as it was intended but I doubt it will ever happen. The footage was shot and some of the effects finished but not complete as the decision was done during post production. A complete travesty.
