no sequel?
Wasn't this supposed to be the first in a series of films? No more installments?
shareit wasn't so successful at the BO so why would they waste their money in another one?
"The hardest thing in this world is to live in it."
it wasn't so successful at the BO so why would they waste their money in another one?
Nope...because some overzealous Christians (not all just certain groups) boycotted this movie and bad mouthed it so bad that they ruined the sales for the rest of us!
LIZ 10:"I'm the bloody Queen, mate. Basically, I rule."Dr.Who
It's beeping always the bloody religious nut cases ruining everything. Religion should be outlawed. Or, education should be compulsory, with a bit of education (in physics, chemistry and mathematics) the gullible believers would finally see the REAL light, the light of science and reason.
shareIf you're not entirely ignorant yourself, then read God and the Big Bang. Then let's talk. It's written from the perspective of scientists.
NO - you can't throw out religion, though religious zealots have caused most of the world wars. Christians and Muslims anyway, good luck finding stories of Jews starting religious wars. Want to know why we don't? Because we don't believe in proselytizing. Proselytizing should be banned, outlawed, not religion. That's the real problem. Without religion, people have no concept of truly growing spiritually, trying to improve upon themselves from year to year, as Judaism teaches the Jewish people - I can't speak for other faiths, but THIS is part of what I see lacking in those who have lost religion. THEY HAVE LOST SOMETHING, the inspiration and communal pressure to constantly improve. SAD.
For an educated person, if you really are one, I'd liken it to the incredible stimulation of academia, and how the mind begins to go dull outside of that setting - it is no longer stimulated in the same way, it is no longer as sharp. Same thing with the soul.
You need to remove the blindfold that religion has placed over your eyes because you have no clue about people or how they operate. I know plenty of people, religious and non-religious who have no problem growing and improving themselves. Religion isn't a requirement for responsibility, dedication, motivation or personal growth. Far from it. Humans have many tools they can use to aid in those areas. I think that religion has aided in you losing part of your humanity and developing a superiority complex. There is nothing wrong with religion when it is used in a positive light, but it is far from a requirement for anything human.
shareyour experience is limited indeed. OF COURSE people can find sources for inspiration and personal growth EVERYWHERE in creation...but what's happened with the loss of spirituality is that spiritual and personal growth have become LOST values or goals. and anyone with a superiority complex (look in the mirror and see your own condescension staring you in the face) is not on a very spiritual path.
Such a disappintment we will likely never see this trilogy, the second and third are where it becomes unbelievably good as well.
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I just watched it and enjoyed it a lot, it felt like there was supposed to be a sequel, andthis thread confirms that there should have been, but now any sequel is unlikely as the actress of Lara is growing up fast. It's a shame because I was expecting some rubbish kids film, what I actually watched was really fun and well made.
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There could have been sequels but I also feel that this film should be appreciated as a stand alone film. Not everything needs a sequel.
"I say,open this door at once! We're British !"
...except that it is the first part of a trilogy. The book it was based on was meant to the be first book of a trilogy. Not only did the idiotic studio not move forward with filming the second and third books, but they cut out the entire last chapter which is where the real meaty action happens. They completely botched the movie, which is a pity because it could have been an amazing trilogy.
So, yeah, it DOES need a sequel (and then a sequel to that sequel) because that's the way it was originally written.
And I wish there had been more ! It was very disappointing even for someone who did not read the books. Unfortunately, even if a different studio would have the means to continue and do it properly Lyra would have to be recast (I am assuming).Would you suggest starting over from the beginning? Could it be done as a series ?
"I say,open this door at once! We're British !"
It didn't help that the film upset religious nuts who are a very minority and fans of the books (like me) were upset that they toned down the themes and made a very clean version of the story, taking away much of the darkness that was in the original books. So it ended up satisfying no one and a sequel would have had less or a return.
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