Recast the Trilogy?
I am a fan of the His Dark Materials Trilogy and thought the film adaptation was betrayal of the first book. I would love to see a proper adaptation of the trilogy and see the books get the treatment they deserve. Who would you cast? Here is my attempt:
Lyra and Will: both should be unknown actors. If it was made right now then Sophie Nélisse from The Book Thief would be perfect if she can do a good English accent
Lord Asriel: Michael Fassbender - he is one of my favourite actors and he has all the qualities needed to bring out the darker side of character and make him the anti-hero he is meant to be.
Maisa Coulter: Rachel Weisz - a fantastic actress who has the right look and characteristics to play one of the most important characters in the series.
Serafina Pekkala: Eva Green - she was perfect casting in the original.
Lee Scoresby: An actor in his 50s who is in good shape for his age and can do a good Texan accent. I was thinking George Clooney but I don't think that would be quite right.
Dr. Mary Malone: Kate Dickie - an underappreciated actress best know for her roles in Red Road, Game of Thrones and Prometheus, someone who is the right age and has the look to play Mary.
John Faa: Someone like Brendan Gleeson, an actor of respect and can believable that he could command an army and be the king for a whole people.
Farder Coram: a John Hurt type actor, someone with age, someone who can play a man with wisdom whilst also has the common touch. Donald Sumpter from Game of Thrones would be good but it would be a similar role to his GoT role.
Iorek Bynison: Benedict Cumberbatch - He did excellent work as Smaug.
Iofur Raknison: Someone who has a bit of a wormy quality to them, someone like Toby Jones
Staislaus Crumman: I was think Paddy Considine, someone that would be believable as an ex-soldier and in their 40s and someone who is from a more working-class background.
Chevalier Tialys: David Tennett - I picture him as a swashbuckler type of character and Tennett has shown he can be fun in Doctor Who whilst being serious and dramatic when needed.
Lady Salmakia: Like Tialys she is also a swashbuckler type character. I would prefer to see someone their 30s but the only two people I can think of are Karen Gillan and Samantha Barks and both are in their 20s.
Sir Charles Latrom/Lord Carlo Boreal: Someone in his 60s who has chrisma, calm but can also be very slimy, like Richard E. Grant, Charles Allam or Anthony Head.
Hugh MacPhail: A respected Scottish actor in his 40s, someone like Ewen Bremner or Billy Boyd
Batlhamos and Baruch: I don't really have any names in mind to play them but who would play them should be fairly young and very slender.
Xaphania: someone like Angelina Jolie or Charlize Theron, a woman who is an complete knockout but also has some age, experience and wisdom to them.
Metatron: Michael Sheen - I think he would be perfect for the role, he is the right age, in great shape and he would have the charisma and presence to play the big bad of the whole trilogy.
The Authority: an older actor who is very frail in his appearance. Its a small role but should be a someone very recognisable because he is well God.
Father Gomez: A young Spanish or South American/Central American actor. No
Ruta Skadi: An Eastern Europe actress such as Agata Buzek from Hummingbird/Redemption
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