Why do the religious fear this film?
Soon after seeing an advertisement for the movie I had commented on how I was looking forward to seeing it. Immediately I was told not to let my younger cousins to watch it. A family member even pleaded with me to please not let them see it. I was completely surprised to hear them say this. I had assumed this was a childs movie all along. But then someone mentioned the controversy. SPOILERS BELOW!
The controversy is that god is killed. This wasn't even mentioned within the movie though no one knew that it was going to be left out of the story(It's actually mentioned more in the final two books). Obviously, my younger cousins are indoctrinated with christian dogma and their grandparents feel threatened by a story that mentioned the death of "god". Why is it that the religious are so petty that they fear the mere mention of god being beaten/killed? They'd argue it isn't even possible. Their god is all powerful and without flaws. So why care at all? It's fiction. The almighty demands to be praised at all times and doesn't like to play second fiddle? I find it humorous. The biblical god is petty just like a pubescent child and many stories within the bible are filled with rape, incest, mass murder, and etc. But The Golden Compass is earth-shattering for kids? Come on.
These kids would not go nuts from seeing this movie or join a satanic cult. Is this style of parenting bordering extremism? Fundamental christians come off as being book-burners and opponents of free speech. What is to fear from TGC and how does preventing children from seeing it protect them? Discuss.
* I killed god and all I got was this awesome signature!