religious people should keep thier mouths shut.
I remember wen the film came out everyone was moaing about the original cut when it was screaned, and of course there were the books, people stood outside books a million telling people not to read them I remember people would vandalize the posters stuff.
To be honest I dont see the big deal, a Charachter that used to be a nun said that "christianity is a very convincing mistake" and that a couple of angels were presumably gay and that some angel masqurading as god was murdered and died, god crumbled to dust because he was so old. His spirit however was still alive in the book ,
I only read the subtle knife but I did dread about the plot.
I dont see why it upset so many people that corporate religion as a government was shown in a negitive way. Releigion should be free and people should be allowed to chose what to beleive that wha tthe stories are about.
Extremist religoius people shouldnt be allowed to watch movies they complain without even evaluating the message and ruin it for everybody.
Inb fact I am preparing an ANTI CREATIONIST/INTELLEGENT DESIGN trilogy of my own and at the end the REAL god will die because the fake god killed him and the fake god gets murdered by main charachter. I will either do them as books or movies if I can get enough money to film a movie.
They will go even farther than pullman did with his series.
I beleive in god and stuff but I do think it is correct to criticise a religous institution for all the wrong things it has done and is soing and WILL do in the future,
If it exist it stands up to criticism.