It's a nice list. I don't think you can get more appropriate than Asriel/Fassbender, Faa/Gleeson, or panserbjørn/Elba, so cheers on that, though I'd give Elba Iorek. I'm done with Neeson. He'll be doing v.o. for animated *beep* in a few years, mark my words.
I wouldn't change Coulter. Kidman was the only one not horribly miscast in this movie. In fact, I think she was pretty perfect. She's the only one who played it as if they'd actually read the later books in preparation for the part.
Scoresby - maybe Josh Brolin. If they wouldn't mind making the character older and British, Michael Gambon.
I notice you don't have a Lyra on this list - did you enjoy Dakota Blue Richards in the role? I thought she was fine, if they hadn't cut half her dialogue.
Couldn't see Pegg/Tennant/HBC as Lilliputians riding dragonflies. All three are uniquely talented in context, just not this one. I have a hard time seeing HBC in a non-villanous role, and especially putting Pegg/Tennant in serious roles like that would just take me out of it - it'd be a bit like casting Mitchell and Webb in a filmic rendition of Waiting for Godot. Didn't you see Tennant's Hamlet? Yeah. Maybe John Rhys-Davies and Audrey Tautou.
It's been a while, how young(looking) was Serafina supposed to be? Hathaway looks extremely young, but nothing against her as an actor. I'm thinking Fairuza Balk.
My mental image of John Parry while reading was always Gleeson's bearded father character from 28 Days Later, but as we already have Gleeson elsewhere...I'd like to see what Paul Giamatti could do with it.
Not even going to go into Mary Malone, because gods those parts of the books were tedious. They'd have to excise that whole subplot.
I'd like Stephen Fry to have some sort of cameo, just because it's his kind of thing.
Et ses mains ourdiraient les entrailles du prêtre
Au défaut d'un cordon pour étrangler les rois