MovieChat Forums > The Football Factory (2004) Discussion > racism towards asians but not blacks?

racism towards asians but not blacks?

black people are moreorless accepted in the football hooligan scene, but asians are hated and abused by these people. is there any reason for this?


that's a ridiculous statement thus rendering the following question redundant.

...but to answer it anyway - in this film it's only Zeberdee and Raf that show racism towards the two Asians on the bus and that was just to show how immature and deluded they were, none of the other hooligan characters are shown as being racist at all.

"I never had any friends again like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anybody?"


its not a ridiculous statement, most firms ive seen have had one or two black blokes in them but asians (for the most part) are just regarded as 'paki's' and are mistreated. Of course, this isnt true in every case, but from what ive seen it seems to be a significant issue.



in real life? Not really. I support Leicester and I don't think we actually have one nowadays o_O I don't know, I don't go to games much at all. But I watch documentaries =) and there are black people interviewed from firms but no asians.
And some of the wannabe casuals around my area have explicitly said they don't mind black people but hate 'paki's'



95 per cent on man utd fans are asians

"I never had any friends again like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anybody?"


There are a few firms that have had asian lads run with them, mainly Sikh's from what I've seen but I'd agree that black lads are more accepted in the football hooligan world than asians.
IMO its because in many areas black and white lads grow up side by side, into the same music, both love football, drink in the same pubs as they get older etc, and are generally very alike - despite their skin colours they are part of the same culture.
On the other hand, Asians have been accused of not including themselves in many factors of British culture and living in their own very exclusive communities. Also a big part of football culture is drinking, something that is forbidden by Islam.


Yh I think you've got it spot on, there was a program on bravo, I think it was called the real football factory and they kinda said the same thing.

Ive seen it and it makes sence, blacks and whites grow up together whereas asians are kinda separated from that culture but when Ive seen asians grow up in that same environment they have been intergrated into the culture, i dont think it has much to do with race, just where and who you grew up with....


98 % of Man Utd fans don't even live anywhere near manchester.


So 95% of UTD fans are Asians, 98% don't live near Manchester and 99% of people that post on www forums are excuses.

And here I am, sitting in the 5% that are English, the 2% that are in Manchester and the 1% with a brain!

Biggest, Fluke, Ever?


I think the fact that immigration of black people to Britain happened slightly before the large scale immigration from Asia. Only a generation's difference, but I think that meant there was just that much more integration between blacks and whites than there were with Asians. Just an idea.


There's a minority of Blacks & Asians that don't get along. Especially in places like Birmingham. So, as the saying goes 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'. Asians are often regarded at the bottom of the social pool when it comes to racism, or the most hated.


Jesus Christ, the racism in here is *beep* insane.


I know this post is oldddd, but I had to say something. Well, first of all, OP: your question assumes there is any logic to racism. Second of all, you're doing that thing where people bunch all minorities, ethnicities together and expect that we all are the same because we've experienced some form of prejudice or oppression. Like it's one big happy rainbow under oppression. Just because this film depicts some kind of superficial truce between two different races, doesn't mean that suddenly all the races should be shown as BFFs. People are irrational and complicated.


As a British-born Asian, I would say that there is more racism towards Asians than blacks in British society. Black and white cultures are not that different so it's easier for them to get along. The Asians came mostly as cheap labour (some professionals and businessmen too), but their children are more successful academically and economically than whites and are seen as a threat. I was a teacher in North London for a few months and learned that young thugs perceive Asians as weak and blacks as strong, so paki-bashing was a favorite pastime in the 80's (I was on the receiving end). It was quite common back then for people to shout "Paki!" at you as you walked down the street - one reason why I left England. Things may have changed outwardly in the last 30 years, but probably not people's hearts.


"Black and white cultures are not that different so it's easier for them to get along..."

As a British Born Asian, you don't know what the hell you're talking about. You show that you know nothing about Black or even white "Culture" from your statement.


Black or even white "Culture"

Why didn't you use a capital letter for the word "white"? I thought you British Indians were supposed to be smart, not like the Pakistanis and Bangladeshis. Those 2 groups are a bit scummy, wouldn't you agree?



The fact is, all racists are cowards, they will never pick on blacks for the simple fact they know they'd get beat, shot, stabbed, gang raped etc.

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