Some doubt

What Paul´s nephew (the kid ) showed him at end of the film ?? And why Paul, after that, pointed a gun to Andrew ??

When Celia said goodbye to Paul. I understand that after that she found Andrew on the road and he took her home when the murder took place. Any opinion on that ??

Before this scene (when Celia said goodbye to Paul) did he tell her her real father (I can´t remember )


OK. I've seen this movie in Februari....

What did the kid show Paul....

She walks at the side of the road and Andrew passes her and takes her to his home to give her something considering the will of their (Paul, Andrew & Celia) father. It has to be somewhat later than her receiving the atlas en the ticket from Paul because Celia's mum found the ticket in Celia's room.

Paul did not tell Celia the truth. Celia's mum did. After she heard the truth she goes to Paul very upset and asks him if he knew.

But what did the kid show Paul.....I remember that it was something belonging to Celia. Maybe her bag? After seeing that Paul realised that Andrew had something to do with the disappearance. He probably thought that Andrew killed Celia (Although we know that Penny did that). He pointed the gun at Andrew to pressure Andrew to tell the truth.



It was Celias backpack buried in the worm farm!
Paul realises that he is being set up by his brother for the disappearance of Celia
Andrew had used the atlas to set Paul up earlier as well - it was found by the ppolice about a mile up the road from Pauls house.
