
No mention of the great Patti Smith soundtrack on this board ?

Fantastic - really makes the movie ! What was it Paul's girlfriend wrote on the copy of "Horses" ? "So we can remember the people we once were"?


No soundtrack on amazon us or uk?


I wasn't thinking of the music composed for the film, just the Patti Smith songs, which help to make the film so good. Just buy "Horses" if you don't own a copy already. Cheers.


What was it Paul's girlfriend wrote on the copy of "Horses" ? "So we can remember the people we once were"?

I think it said: "In case we ever forget who we are. XXX JAX"


I would also love to get a copy of the original score. I think it is by Simon Boswell but I can't find it online. :(


I'm german...and I can't really good speak and read english.
But I have self collect the soundtrack...
If you want. Contact me. [email protected]
smile with greetings
