MovieChat Forums > In My Father's Den (2004) Discussion > Please Help! Urgentness! Please!

Please Help! Urgentness! Please!

Okay. I'm fifteen. And I think this movie sounds really interesting and I do love MM. I've seen him in Pride and Prejudice where he was amazing and in The Way We Live Now, where he did great as well. I'm also renting some other of his stuff. Anyway, I love the actor and I really want to see this film, but I'm a little afraid to. Don't get me wrong, I've seen some pretty risky movies with my aunt. But, being that it's MM, I just don't want to watch a film where I may not think of him the same anymore.

I'm afraid this is making me sound really dumb, but I just really love MM and I don't want to see something that will scare me away from his movies forever.

I read the description of the rating and the synopsis as well and I was just wondering how "bad" it is.

I'm really good with movies. I've seen lots of stuff. There's no nudity here, which for me is a plus. The movie sounds great and MM is amazing.

And I'll most likely see it because I don't want to pass it by, but if you guys could help me out, that'd be great. You know, I just am a little afraid. Is is something that made you think differently about him? When you think of him now, is there a different image scarred in your head?

Maybe I'm reading the synopsis wrong and not understanding it...

Please help.

Thanks so much you guys.


Judging by your message, me thinks yeh, you shouldnt watch this movie, purely because this movie is aimed for an intelligent mind and it makes the viewer 'think' and after reading your message,i doubt very much you will even understand the movie.



maybe it would be good to think about things in a different way to how you usually do..?

No offense but your desperation to protect the way you see macfadyen sounds like a pretty standard case of teenage crush... he's not a heart throb, he's a serious actor who tends to play flawed and complex people... which if you look carefully enough, you might notice applies to Darcy.

I really liked watching this film and would totally recommend it - but it does have very grown up themes, dark ideas, and an imperfect and challenging protagonist...

Watch it when you're ready to think about the dark stuff - but if you want to hang on to the early-teen obsessively delusional romantic stage for a bit longer, then please do - it's a fun stage to be in!

Honestly don't mean offense - you're clearly quite perceptive in that you've worked out this film is not going to be a barrel of laughs and might not be the best fuel for a 'Mr Darcy' crush...

Come back when you're in the mood for something a little different. :)


Hey. I know this post is a while after yours and if you have already watched this the please just ignore me,

I think the main thing you must take into consideration when deciding if you want to watch this film and how it may effect your view of "MM" is where your preconceptions come from,

if you enjoy everything that he does and have respect for his skills as an actor then you should watch this and you will be amazed at how you get drawn into the story,

But if you fell in love with his character in another film and are searching for more of the same then this may not be a great watch for you,

I recommend that you do watch this film I really liked it and just keep in mind that people have both light and dark sides to them and watching this may make you appreciate what you came to love about him in the first place,

If it helps, in this film he doesn’t play a bad man and I think his character has an honourable side that shows through,

I hope this helps and I’m not too late

Please post and let us know your decision

