When the police officer brings the Atlas to the school and tells Paul he found it near his house, how did it get there? Celia took it when she got in the car with Andrew? How shocking for Paul, afterall, wasn't he thinking nothing bad had happened to Celia and she was on her way to Spain? Now, he sees the Atlas was tossed out. And at this point, isn't Paul thinking he is Celia's father? He doesn't remember about his father & Jax until later? How are we so sure Paul is not the father? Because of the blood they took at the police station? Celia was born 8 months after Paul left, so who knows for sure who the father is? Now, I think I've confused myself beyond belief.
There is a part of the story where he confronts Andrew and says that he set him up. This, apparently was that Andrew dropped the atlas near Paul's home to make him look guilty. Think I heard that on the director's commentary. Not sure now cause I watched it a few weeks ago.
That is also why Paul is reluctant to give the police info when they first quizz him....cause he had promised Celia that he wouldn't tell where she'd gone.
I think that we are supposed to believe that Celia's mother would know her true paternity. Also, the fact that he found Celia's baby photo in the atlas under his father's bed (with newpaper clippings of one of his other chidren...Paul!) then we are to assume that he put 2 and 2 together and worked out that she was his step sister.
But I see your point. I guess that IRL, this would be a very grey area!
When Paul and Andrew quarrel at the river, Pauls throws Celia's bag in front of Andrew's eyes. He asks Andrew: "What were you going to do? Plant it in my place like the atlas?" So, I think you're right. By placing the atlas in Paul's place, Andrew wanted to put the blame on Paul.
Paul also knows he isn't Celia's father, because he and Jax have been "cautious" when they had sex; at least this is what he told his father.
But to me him seeing the picture would not instantly reveal to him this is his dad child, because at this time he doesnt remember about his father and Jackie, He could be thinking this is his fathers grandchild which would make her Pauls child. It couldnt have been revealed to him when they drew his blood because he was in question at this time for her disapearance so she was already gone by this time which would simply make it impossible, because he tells her when she's still alive that he knows of her being is fathers child. So when is it that he realizes she is his fathers child. I have repeatedly gone over and over and simply cannot conclude.
First, do we ever see Paul and Jackie actually having sex? Though we see them fooling around on the floor of the den with most of their clothes off, we assume that they were having sex - the film makers probably want us to make this assumption. However, we as viewers do not know how far along they were when Paul's father walked in on them - they might not have actually done anything yet to produce a child. Only Paul and Jackie know this. If they never had sex, then Paul would know immediately that Celia wasn't his daughter. We also don't know exactly when this scene with Paul and Jackie took place except that it happened before Paul left. It feels like it happened in closing timing to Paul catching Jackie and his father, but in theory, it could have happened a couple of months before he left, thus putting him out of the running to be Celia's father. Finally, I'm betting Paul and Jackie were never intimate again by the way Paul reacted to his father catching them naked (to Jackie: "there's parts of me you can't have"). This reaction probably drove them apart and drove Jackie to sleep with Paul's father.
Also, Paul does remember what happened between his father and Jackie way before river scene with Andrew. In the last scene of the movie (the last time Paul sees Celia, but before the river scene), Celia asks if him if he knew about her mum and his dad, and Paul says "yes, but not about you." He mostly "knew about Celia" - that she was his father's daughter (his half-sister) as soon as he connected the picture in the atlas to Jackie's bracelet. This helps explain the relationship he created with Celia (more sibling like than parental), and why he didn't push the issue with Jackie when he confronted her about it, especially after his fight with Jackie's boyfriend. If Celia was his daughter, you would think he would have let it known during this fight. By this time, he had established such a close relationship with Celia you want him to say more, protect her from the sleazy boyfriend by being her father. But, outside the comment about the Jackie changing Celia's birth certificate, he remains silent. His silence only makes sense only if he is not Celia's father, and she was born under scandalous circumstances. He really cannot say anything about being her brother. Such information will damage all parties involved.
Going back to the Andrew-confrontation-river-scene, what Paul remembers and has to deal with is the fact his mother was also witness to the Jackie/father affair, and it was this affair that drove her to kill herself. Before this point, as when Paul mentions his mother's death to Celia, he merely says she was bi-polar, went off her lithium, went to the river, pointed to the sky and was found two days later. This is how he would like to remember his mother's death. However, it's really Celia's conception that killed her.
to rachelmills24: I agree with you - very good explanation! I only have a slighly different opinion to the Andrew-confrontation-river-scene. I think Paul himself remembers the reasons for his mother's death right from the beginning of the film. He tells Celia about his mother being bi-polar for another reason. I think he doensn't want to convince himself of another version of her death, but he wants to protect Celia by not telling her the truth. You can see it from the expression on his face before telling Celia about the reasons for his mother's death. He looks into the air as if thinking about what story he could invent that sounds plausible. At this moment, he couldn't tell Celia about the fact that his mother committed suicide, because then he would have had to talk about the reasons for her despair (betrayel, Celia's conception).
But to me him seeing the picture would not instantly reveal to him this is his dad child, because at this time he doesnt remember about his father and Jackie, He could be thinking this is his fathers grandchild which would make her Pauls child.
I dont think that would be something you would forget, i mean it was the whole reason he left nz in the first place. Just because we dont know about it at this stage doesnt mean that hes not thinking about it. Thats part of the great mystery of this story!