just a quick question when jin rides on the his horse its snowing and with mei it looks like autumn, and when jin and leo fight at the end 1st it looks like autumn then it starts to snow does any know what this is meant to symbolize cheers
The culminating fight scenes are set in the Ukraine meadows. These scenes appear to begin in autumn and end with a heavy winter snowfall. Birch trees in the surrounding forests are weighted down with autumnal colors as the epic fight begins, and end empty and bare. Grief and death, symbolized by blood on the snow charge the atmosphere. The movie ends with a sigh.
Was this last scene great picture making? Alternatively, was it modern computer wizardly? No, neither of these two. Good old Mother Nature, at her finest, directed snow to begin falling heavily early in October, halfway through a scene. As Director Yimou Zhang says, This worried me a great deal because if it snowed for much longer, all the leaves on the trees would be gone. (However,) The snow created the perfect tone for the scene. It’s fate – someone up above wanted it.