So I am watching the final episode/ Christmas special right now.
It's alright. But there are now to many damn scripted parts. Like Kenny's spoofs. Spenny is dressed as Santa doing a scene with a hot Santa girl and there are even a couple short cartoons in this. Really wish they would just do it like the old days and just simply film the competition. And I think a Christmas special is sorta a poor way to go out. It's the "final" episode. Talk about the shows greatest moments of something if you are going to do scripted parts,spoofs or cartoons. Have previous episodes tie in with eachother.
EDIT: Alright. Well they did end up sorta putting all the best moments into eachother in a way. But I am just not a fan of the way the show is made recently. I loved the crappy low budget handheld style of the way they made the show in the early seasons where the show was focused mainly on the competition. The episodes seem to lose what made it good once it became a major hit and I guess started getting much more money into it's production values. It really made the show start to seem kinda entirely "scripted". I don't see why Spenny would agree to do the whole Scrooge thing if it weren't real. Although the humiliation was the best way to go out.
"What good is being a survivor when everyone close to you is dead?"