MovieChat Forums > Silent Hill (2006) Discussion > My thoughts on Silent Hill

My thoughts on Silent Hill

What impressed me about the film was the whole dark and ominous atmosphere of the Silent Hill town. I liked some parts of the story. But at some point throughout the film, the plot sort of lost me. The backstory dragged on for way too long. The CGI wasn't terrible, but not exactly the best. The dialogue was a bit cheesy at times. But I enjoyed the end with the barb wire massacre scene. It was entertaining. Was it the best horror film ever? Nah. But It's still watchable.


As a generic fantasy horror is somewhat watchable, I agree.

As a Silent Hill adaptation is simply terrible. The story is simplistic and way less effective than the videogame's one; the characters are paper thin; the visuals were serviceable at the time, but they are aging badly; the sets look fake as hell and don't let me start on the silly choices like the burning coal mines, the change of sex of the protagonist and the cult. What's even worst it contributed to kill the gaming franchise.


If I want to enjoy some Silent Hill what should I read? Or where's the information on what actually Silent Hill is? I have read all the wikis and I still don't understand.


But they followed the games story almost identically. The games story itself was pretty terrible, because it wasnt supposed to be taken as a literal story, just like the films

and no, Silent Hill 5 was what killed the franchise.


"But they followed the games story almost identically". Wrong, they didn't. You either don't remember the game, or you don't get it. Or both.

"The games story itself was pretty terrible, because it wasnt supposed to be taken as a literal story". Wrong. It actually was quite literal (Bad+ ending notwithstanding). Not that it was groundbreaking or anything, but was far more interesting and chillig than the bored one from the movie. Game: a cult impregnates a child in order for a demon to be born and reshape reality. Movie: a bunch of religious fanatics burn a child because she's born from sin and a witch.

"and no, Silent Hill 5 was what killed the franchise" First of all, I wrote that the movie contributed, not that was the only reason. Second, no game produced after the movie had any success and both Zero and Homecoming were made by studios that took inspiration from the movie a not from the previous (better) games. So you are wrong again.


The atmosphere in the film was great. Apparently like the game (I don't know, never played it). The music and atmosphere made the film memorable and psychologically disturbing. There are a lot of faults with the film, especially towards the end. Some genuinely terrifying moments, the ''bathroom stall'' creature and the pyramid head were terrifying. The CGI tar babies were cheesy as hell though.


No it wasn't anything like the game. Jacob's Ladder atmosphere is much closer (the game was heavily inspired by that movie).

The music was lifted from Silent Hill 1,2 and 3, so the movie has no merit.

The games were far more disturbing. The movie is a dumbed, banalized and sanitized alternate version.

Pyramid Head has no place in the movie, because it's strictly tied to SH2's storyline and was far more disturbing an terrifying. I'd say fan service gone awry.

Colin was good enough I suppose, but definitely not on the same level as Abstract Daddy from SH2 (which clearly was the inspiration). The babies are horrible and tied to the movie only, hence why they are horrible.


I love Silent Hill. The whole thing is quite unique. I've never played the game.
