Imelda Stauton

I had just seen Vera Drake on ITV4 last night, whilst it was a very good film, I just thought that Imelda Stauton's performs a Vera who is far far too emotional. Crying and trying to get her word out was a little bit over the top.
I do not wish to offend anyone who loved this film but I did ezpect the character to be a bit stronger rather then the weakness protrait in the film. Anyone out there have any views on this !!??

The best films are made in an intelligent format.



Vera was a lower-middle-class woman (or working class) and was probably raised to be wary of police officers. They lived in a housing project (over there I think it's called a council estate or something like that?) and probably felt threatened in general around cops. Just my opinion.

I am not offended at all and I loved the film. Everyone's opinion is important.

Vera was really a meek, quiet person who lived each day doing her job and taking care of her family. After so many years she probably never thought she'd be caught. Realzing that she was in deep, deep trouble was so traumatizing that I think she just shut down emotionally.



I'm sure it was written that way and that Mike Leigh wanted it that way, but as far as the WAY she did it being over the top, I don't know, some people really are very emotional. I completely agree with taylorje. She's an extremely kind, meek woman with the best intentions, so being caught and knowing for a fact that she was in deep trouble and that the girl nearly died had to be overwhelming.

"She plays like a Stradivarius, man," said Mr. Dobkin of Rachel McAdams.
R.I.P. Heath Ledger


She only had the best intentions in mind, and a girl almost died because of that.
A girl almost died because of something she had done, and if that isn't good enough reason to cry, I don't know what is.

They blew up Congress!!! HAHAHA!


They showed Vera and Mr. Drake watching a comedy at the movies after she helped a girl "manage". I think Vera compartmentalized well and when the police arrived at a high moment of her life - managing to get her meek daughter betrothed - she went in to shock.

"Two more swords and I'll be Queen of the Monkey People." Roseanne


Vera and Mr. Drake were shown laughing at a comedy at the movies after she helped a girl "manage". I think Vera compartmentalized well and when the police arrived at a high moment of her life - managing to get her meek daughter betrothed - she went in to shock.

"Two more swords and I'll be Queen of the Monkey People." Roseanne


Respectfully, ikinmoore, are you sure you aren't assuming that the character should be hard-boiled or unemotional just because she's an abortionist ?

I should have been very disappointed in both Imelda Staunton and Mike Leigh if they'd gone down that path.

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.


After seing Imelda in HP5... And being amazed at how well she played the bit...blerrp role... Seing her as a character so week she couldn't even speak was totally astounding... After seing Vera Drake my respect for Imelda as an actress went way way up!
