MovieChat Forums > Vera Drake (2005) Discussion >'m at a miss here'm at a miss here

If this film tries to promote pro-choice, which I believe it clearly does, then why choose a character like Vera? I mean the actress annoys me, she's an old lady that kills babies, all I wanted to do the entire film is take a baseball bat and do her in like the Corn Field scene in Casino.

I mean had they used a very attractive young actress like Kate Beckinsale...I might budge, but not for an old bag.

Hippies Aren't People


Wow.... maybe you should stick to simpler movies.


Keep your eyes on the road!
Okay, if it makes you feel any better!
~ See No Evil, Hear No Evil



First, this was based on a true story if I'm not mistaken, which makes Beckinsale too young.

Second, that "old bag" can act CIRCLES around Beckinsale.


so if the abortionist was an attractive young woman you'd be all for abortion? but because the central character was an old lady abortion is most definately "killing babies"

please go and watch another movie, your'e definately at a miss here


to rora


Imelda Staunton is only 52. Which is testament to what a good actress she is.
