did I miss a point?

I was wondering, was there some deeper point to the - fairly extended- scene in the tailor's shops with Sid and the Chris O'Down character? Perhaps it was to introduce us to Sid - but he got enough time elswhere. Comic relief? Period setting? I'm afraid I thought it very close to being an unpleasant 'simple Irishman' joke...
i would appreciate being told if I missed something...



It seemed to me when I watched the movie again tonight that the important element of this scene is the price that Sid quotes for the three-piece suit, 13 guineas, for the young among us that was £13.65. This is to be contrasted later with the scene in which the rich girl pays 100 guineas, or £105 for her "legal" abortion. If you think that an off the peg suit now would cost about £120 from a high street clothing store that makes the cost of that abortion nearly a grand.

Puts things in perspective doesn't it?

Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?


Ah! Good thought, I like it. Thank you

few visible scars
