I honestly think that not showing us what has happened to Lily is a huge minus with the film.
The director was quite balanced throughout the whole movie: He always presented the abortion issue from two points of view (there are women who get pregnant and for many different reasons cannot keep the baby, and others who would love to become mothers but for many different reasons cannot). We see Vera's behaviour at home and at work. We see the situation of working class and upper class people. We have the female pole as opposite to the male pole (rape scene, communication breakdown, alienation, tension between Vera and her son), but also male and female characters loving or at least respecting each other (Vera and her husband, Ethel and her fiancé). There is even an understanding good cop and a bad cop. Finally, we have a main character wanting to help desperate people and her oldest friend taking advantage of them all.
Without Lily, no Vera's downfall. Why not show us what happened to Lily, then? I would have been satisfied with a few lines on screen before the closing credits.
- Nobody leaves this place without singing the blues -