MovieChat Forums > Vera Drake (2005) Discussion > Medically inaccurate and dangerous

Medically inaccurate and dangerous

The abortion technique used in the film has been severely criticised by an experienced midwife who was Sister in charge of a gynaecological hospital ward. The method was shown as being usually successful, but actually would have been invariably fatal.


Well what do you expect from Mike Leigh? He cares not about truth. Look at his film 'Secret & Lies' where he was happy to re-write the laws of genetics to allow a lily white woman to be the mother of an incredibly dark black (not mixed race) woman, which despite some foolish protestations from fools here who swear they know of some real life similar mother and daughter, it is a genetic impossibility, but people who have seen too much television and not enough reality think otherwise!

Now we have Vera Drake a stereoptypical kindly old British Mum who who kindly performs abortions out of the kindness of her heart (!!!!???)

Anyone who would take this hack of a director seriously needs to have their head examined and quickly!


Michael, you just prove your own ignorance. Stop making a fool of yourself.

- Who's the lady with the log?
- We call her the Log Lady.


@ christopher_greenleaf. What's the matter? Did Leigh piss in your mother's corn flakes?


Isn't that the point of the film, that, because it was clandestine, it could prove fatal? Anyone who tries it after watching this film is a bloomin' idiot.

"I've been turned down more times than the beds at the Holiday Inn; I still try"


Isn't that the point of the film, that, because it was clandestine, it could prove fatal?

That seemed obvious to me when I watched the movie back in the theatre.

This world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those that feel.


This is where the magic happens... and by "magic", I mean nothing.


The abortion technique used in the film has been severely criticised by an experienced midwife who was Sister in charge of a gynaecological hospital ward. The method was shown as being usually successful, but actually would have been invariably fatal.

Thanks for the information - even if it isn't very useful, since it can impel only idiots to try this at home, and I truly doubt idiots would even sit through 15 min of this film, if they ever even caught it on tv, or less likely, in a movie theater.

I had intended to laud you also for not suggesting that this inaccuracy detracts from the film's cinematic value, but then glanced at the thread's title once more, and realized you, in fact, might be suggesting that. In case you are, allow me to strongly disagree with you. This film is splendid, with or without being medically accurate, because it wasn't even hoping to be such, for it's concerned with more abstract concepts.

no i am db


The abortion technique used in the film has been severely criticised by an experienced midwife who was Sister in charge of a gynaecological hospital ward. The method was shown as being usually successful, but actually would have been invariably fatal.

If this was a training DVD for abortionists then that might have been particularly aposite. Since it wasn't and abortions (within certain conditions) are legal in the countries in which it was shown does it matter? (honest question btw - if it's legal will women really try this at home?)


The abortion technique used in the film has been severely criticised by an experienced midwife who was Sister in charge of a gynaecological hospital ward. The method was shown as being usually successful, but actually would have been invariably fatal.

And so was the other illegal methods of back ally abortions. Would you/the experienced midwife have preferred the coat hanger method to be shown instead? The whole point of the movie is back ally abortions are dangerous. And because of archaic laws women were forced to have them.


Thanks for posting - and I agree with the article. Mike Leigh should have done a bit more research though.

I still like the movie - I put up with scientific inaccuracies in many others, what's one more...

A wide screen just makes a bad film twice as bad - Sam Goldwyn


Don't you think that was one of the points of the movie?

"Two more swords and I'll be Queen of the Monkey People." Roseanne


In the movie: Vera was not a physician, she was basically a back-alley abortionist, so of course her methods were not medically sound. It's what Vera had learned from her own relatives...who were also back alley abortionists.
BTW, Vera did not see herself as a back alley abortionist. She really thought she was helping out women.
