The movie itself...opinions only
I just finished watching Vera Drake and was surprised at how unbiased the filmakers were in creating the movie. They fairly presented both angles, pro-life and pro-choice, as well as the loopholes that allowed wealthy young women to be given medical treatment for the termination rather than Ms. Drake's more dangerous approach. While I do not condone abortion unless the woman is a rape victim and had no choice or control over protection, I do support this movie. It shows real situations and the proper terror of women who found themselves in trouble and did not have the birth control methods we have today. It also showed the desperation of women in the working class who could not afford to have another child or were taken advantage of. Today, these issues are shouted from street corners, but in the 1950s, an unmarried pregnant woman was to be ashamed of her condition, even if she was raped. She was not the victim, and the blame was often placed on her. The movie does an excellent job of separating good intentions from law. It didn't matter why she broke the law; the fact was, she commited a crime. Sure, the situations with the young women were skewed, and "psyciatric" treatment was offered if you could pay the doctor to pronounce you mentally unbalanced and at risk of personal harm if the pregnancy were left intact.
I would really like to avoid the pro-life/pro-choice argument because there are too many posts arguing the facts and nothing is being done about them. I do think the government should provide birth control pills as options for young women for our own protection as the world is no longer fully filled with noble knights and princes on white horses. Please girls, be thankful that we live in a society where regulating birth before it happens is an option and we can choose to use methods of contraception. We are not frowned upon by society for choosing it. Society was not always that way, and now condoms, IUDs, birth control pills, morning-after pills, and tubal ligation are possible and available in most advanced countries.
When I say society, I mean the US because I cannot readily influence the practices of other countries, but I can speak about and influence what occurs in my own.