MovieChat Forums > Vera Drake (2005) Discussion > Abortion: For or Against?

Abortion: For or Against?

Hey peeps,

I have just watched this movie and found it a great movie with important issues.
How does everyone feel about Abortions and Backstreet Abortions.

I personally am 99% AGAINST abortions. The 1% FOR abortion i believe would include young teens pregnant from being Raped, which is morally wrong and it would be extremely difficult to have a baby and as it grows it would traumatize the parent of the rape, and if the baby is put up for adoption the baby would grow up and have alot of questions once it grows up and it would be difficult for the child aswell as the mother.

Its a difficult and confusing subject to talk about, where babies are being killer/Murdered for all the wrong reasons.

How do you feel about abortion and how do you feel about this movie. I feel for Vera she was a good woman who only wanted to help but she didnt know any better and she should have really looked at what she was really doing and that she was killing a human being.

But overall 8/10 movie (Some parts dragged on)
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I am for abortion. I see it like this... Say you're in a marriage, wife's pregnant. But, you're going through a divorce. Would it be fair to bring the child into a world like that? Or you're a teen... get pregnant. Would that be the best thing to do, raise a child with no money? And then have to drop out of school. Life is basically over. Or you're a rape victim. OR you're a teen rape victim! You'd have to drop out of school, get a job, raise a kid because you were raped!!! Abortion... it's looked down upon... but, in many cases... it is necessary. I'm pro-choice.

Larry: You have the face of an angel. What does your *beep* taste like?
Alice: Heaven.




Those "babies" don't FEEL anything.....they aren't even a "being" at most stages in pregnancy when abortion occurs.


What do you mean they arent being? thats a big lie the moment the offspring unites and it forms a little baby it feels pain just like the mother feel pain when the baby isnt handle well, since it is already part of her womb a little tube connected to suupport the needs of this being, and i wish all the abortionist has been aborted so none of them are here to do abortion since they agree anyway, they all die without even seeeing the woorld , well of thoose who are Anti abortion, may they all live since it is the will of the Creature that they should multiply, whereas thoose dont want shouldnt exist they should all die in abortions.. so they would see how defensless they are when their right to lived has been taken or how defensless they are when thier will to lived has been taken without even considering their freedom to lived, so all of you abortionist go firure out my statement, dont be too smart, that your getting dumb about this..go figure or pray that all of your babies and all of your relative babies should aborted..



sprock21: The babies do feel the abortion. They have brainwaves at only six weeks of development. I suggest you track down and watch the film "Silent Scream" which documented exactly what the baby goes through during an abortion. Not only does the baby try to escape, but lets out a very high pitched scream of agony. Saying that the baby is not a being in the womb is, sorry to be so blunt, but completely ignorant of the facts.


Isn't that movie Blatant propaganda? At least, so I've heard from my pro-choice friends. And from the "high pitched scream of agony" I'm guessing i just answered my Question.
I'm pro-choice because you can never know the woman's situation. I'd rather people perform legal, safe abortions then unsafe ones that kill the mother.

"If Being Drunk were a Cookie, I'd be Famous Amos."


You're being absolutely ridiculous. That is a BIG TIME LIE. Read this and then tell me again that they can't feel it. You should actually learn about fetal development before you make idiotic remarks like that again.

Week 3: Beginning development of the brain, heart, blood cells, circulatory system, spinal cord, and digestive system.
Week 4: Beginning development of bones, facial structures, and limbs (presence of arm and leg buds); continuing development of the heart (which begins to beat), brain, and nervous tissue.
Week 5: Beginning development of eyes, nose, kidneys, lungs; continuing development of the heart (formation of valves), brain, nervous tissue, and digestive tract.
Week 6: Beginning development of hands, feet, and digits; continuing development of brain, heart, and circulation system.
Week 7: Beginning development of hair follicles, nipples, eyelids, and sex organs (testes or ovaries); first formation of urine in the kidneys and first evidence of brain waves.
Week 8: Facial features more distinct, internal organs well developed, the brain can signal for muscles to move, heart development ends, external sex organs begin to form.

If you read this and then try to say that a baby is not a being by 8 weeks at the latest, you're being naive.

They feel it. They definitely feel it. And it's sad that you could care less.

Abortion is completely and utterly disgusting. I'm sorry. But I am almost 100% against abortion. It is murder, and although I very rarely am "okay" with it (rape, if the fetus or mother will certainly die, etc), abortion is still 100% wrong.


can people please stop being hypocrites? you are either for something or against it. stop with exceptions, because it just makes you sound more ridiculous. and as no one has ever spoken to an unborn baby, we will never know for 100% whether they feel it, so please stop letting that be an argument, same as "the bible done told me so." those anti abortion laws are from people saying that it is against the bible and immoral, but people, church and state were seperated long ago, so that shouldnt be basis at ALL for laws passed here. i have nothing against religion, but do not tell me what i can or cannot do based on it. these male politicians are saying it isnt moral. once they can push a baby out, they can tell me what i can or cant do.


your message of hate and intolerance is out of context & content of Christian thought.


Chinese eat aborted foetuses, their body parts are a trade a market.
Wake up. The evil going on is incomprehensible but true









I fully support a womans right to chose to have an abortion regardless of the circumstances!! You should not have to be raped in order to justify having an abortion, forcing women to have children they cant take care of or dont want is a horrible idea. Unwanted children is more like to be horribly abused than children who are wanted and just because someone gets pregnant does not automatically mean they will care about their offspring. Poverty is a nightmare to have to live in and through and when you force women who are poor to have children they cant take care of you cause both mother and child to suffer. Ironic that so called pro-life people have such a callous disregard for the suffering they are imposing on people whose lives they arent apart of and never will be a part of-other than forcing into existance laws that violate their right to make decisions about their own bodies.


Right on the money BluAngel76! I am fully 100% supportive of abortion being the right of the prospective mother to decide. I find that most pro-lifers see the world in black and white and hide behind a bible to support their decisions (and vote for Bush, which is exceedingly hypocritical for a pro-lifer), but the world is and has always been an incredibly complex place. How can you apply the same righteousness of the bible to every single situation that finds a woman with an unwanted pregnancy? Take the situation of the rich young woman in Vera Drake. Her situation was precarious, and the appearance of a bunch of pro-lifers screaming at her for murdering her unborn child (not knowing or caring about her reasons) would only scar an already distraught woman.

Pro-lifers who force their ideals onto others are selfish and ignorant. To force women to bear unwanted children will drive the abortion practice underground and result in the hospitalisation of many more young women. In fact, when abortion was illegal in America, backyard abortions were the number one cause of death of pregnant women in America. Yet they call themselves pro-lifers. Pro-life? What type of pro-lifer would encourage women to illegally abort and put themselves in danger? What type of life would it be for the child? A resentful mother forced to bring to term a child of rape, or of a fractured family environment? Or adoption? It has been proven that children from these backgrounds are more likely to be maladjusted to society and engage in violence and murder. Pro-life? What type of life are the conservatives trying to maintain here? Why can they not see the bigger picture and the consequences of their damaging decisions? Note here that I do not condone termination of a foetus. I simply believe the situation is too complex to lay down an absolute law which is restrictive and potentially damaging.

When does a foetus become human? The neural tube forms at around four weeks, but a fully functional brain able to process information and lay down memories does not occur until after the birth. I doubt an unborn child would be aware of it's own existence in utero, therefore I doubt it is a complete human. A more accurate concept would be pre-human. What about a child with spina bifida? This is detectable at around four weeks. Is a foetus with spina bifida still human, or it is more acceptable to terminate a child with a gross physical malformation because they're not pretty? A foetus is fully dependant on the mother and by medical reasoning is classified a 'parasite'. A complete human being cannot be medically dependant on another being.

Of course everyone has the right to an opinion, but right-wingers should be aware that their opinions are more likely to be destructive down the timeline. Take the ultimate conservative, Dubya Bush, who believes the best way to solve a problem is to brandish a sword and charge in. Does he realise that there's a young generation of Iraqis who are growing up watching Americans commit acts of violence, and hearing about the evil nature of America from their parents? What will happen in twenty years time, when these children are all grown up? Their ears will be deaf to reason, because people are most vulnerable to influence at childhood, not adulthood. We call this the cycle of violence. War is not a solution, but a propagation. The same applies to outlawing abortion. It's not a solution, but will only amplify the problem in years to come. The best thing to do is educate and support these women, and let them know all the pros and cons of their decision with no pressure or emotional bias. If you treat someone like a human being, they'll behave like one. If you treat them like an animal because they killed a foetus, they're more likely to behave as one.

"Time is never wasted when you're wasted all the time." -Catherine Zandonella


Just to clarify, I am not right wing.

Count your blessings not your curses - My Grandma



i could not agree more and that thing about bush, the fact that hes a "pro-lifer" when he is sending hundreds of thousands of people to there deaths just cracked me up :)


I totally 100% agree with what BluAngel and creamycameron said. People who are often against abortions are blind to the complexity of the issue and can see the issue as black and white, where "so and so" is a good enough reason but for every other case its not, how can people judge this when they've actually faced the issue themselves, if you have then you are of course entitled to your opinion. I agree that pro lifers do often hide behind the bible, which in itself contradicts itself the whole way through, (im not trying to be blasphemas here).

But the interesting thing is what pro-lifers say regarding when a "foetus" becomes a "human" (sorry about phrasing it that way), some say and the point of conception others think later, i have a cousin who is pro-life and when asked what to do if a young girl is raped and falls pregnant she just replied "give her the morining after pill" isnt this in itself an abortion as you are getting rid of anything that could have formed into a baby?


The issue is fairly black and white. Life or death. The government and country should be obliged to always choose life over death, whatever the inconvenient circumstance. But it has failed to do so, in too many cases.

Count your blessings not your curses - My Grandma


Go back to SUnday School things are obviously more simple there than in the big wide world.

It is easy to understand why you wouldn't want to admit to abortion being an issue with so much middle ground, not black and white. It is so much easier to look at an issue if you think it only comes down to right and wrong, total and complete clarity of belief, instead of maybe having to address those beliefs and call into question your judgement on such issues when there is so much grey area to look at. Its easier to pass judgement en masse than actually think about the people who made these decisions in teh first place.

Pro-life sees things as black and white and only respects the decisions that correspond with their own beliefs. pro-choice respects all decisions under whatever circumstances they were made - you can't say taht about pro-life.

Make History


You can however say this about pro-lifers:

We are for a world where every form of human life is treated fairly and above all else, regardless of the circumstances that brought them into the world.

Are we forgetting that the two people who participated in the act of sex opened themselves to a great risk? When a person eats a lot of junk food, they open themselves to a risk of getting fat. We can be sympathetic but should we let them kill lots of thin/healthy people to counter their actions?

When I was homeless, I could have stolen to help my situation. And yes, people would sympathise with me because of the circumstances I was in, those cirsumstances would have been the "grey area". The black and white would have been the right and wrong, steal or not steal. If I'd have done the wrong thing, the circumstances could be accounted for, but at the end of the day I would have done the wrong thing, regardless. What I did was try my best to get through it without hurting others, because that would not have been fair would it? To hurt others because of my situation? Which is what people who have abortions do, but apparently that is acceptable behaviour, because in that case we have to look at the "middle ground" in favour of them.

Yes abortion has middle ground, like all horrific things. Shall we look at the "middle ground" of the Holly and Jessica case and justify that too?

Everything should, overall be looked at as black and white, good and evil. It may not always be that simple but we should always aim for the good.

Maybe pro choicers respect decisions, but they don't respect life. I know which I'd rather put before the other.

I respect any decision that doesn't hurt an innocent person, whether or not it corresponds with my religion/beliefs or not. I am against drinking, Satanism, lust, and fornication but...

I respect someones decision to go and get pissed, but I will not respect their decision to beat someone up in a drunken rage.
I respect someones decision not go to church or even worship Satan, but I will not respect their decision to burn down a church.
I respect someones decision to be sexually attracted to someone, but I will not respect their decision to rape that person.
I respect someones decision to have sex (with a willing participant) but I will not respect their decision to kill the child that may result.
See the pattern?

Please don't patronise me with Sunday school rubbish. I have never been to Sunday School in my life.

Count your blessings not your curses - My Grandma


That's a fair assessment, the problem is that many people with beliefs such as you described above do not respect the rights of others to engage in those activities. If more people were like you, I believe we would be able to solve many of the moral issues currently plaguing society. People need to realize that there will always be others with a different take on life then their own.


I'm confused laurierochdale. You appear to be taking both sides of the argument. First, you illustrate an example of how black and white is too simplistic, because it forces people to judge before reviewing the complexities of the situation (ie. stealing to stay alive), but then you make pretty strong sweeping generalisations that resort to a black and white pattern.

I agree, we should always aim for the good. Why did they beat someone up in a drunken rage? Why do they drink at all? There is always a reason for violence, and it usually stems from violent guardians of the like. Was the drunk person goaded into swinging fists? Again, I don't condone violence, but judging someone without examining the entire situation is not a preventative. Throw the abuser in jail where they recieve further abuse and possibly learn new 'techniques'? We're not trying hard enough to address the problem. We're just sweeping it under a rug.

Maybe pro choicers respect decisions, but they don't respect life.

This is a common misconception that many pro-lifers use to their advantage to make pro-choicers appear inhuman, and I think it's a DISTASTEFUL AND IMMATURE TACTIC. Of course pro-choicers respect life. The argument is not 'let the beautiful baby humans burn on a stake while we all bathe in blood and engage in our satanic rituals'. We do not condone abortion. We simply say it is the mother's choice, because she understands her situation best. If she asks questions, we answer without judgment (judge not, Christians) and we give her unbiased answers to help her make her own decision, because we respect HER life and her choices, just as much as we do her unborn child. Yes, it's a difficult and controversial decision, but it's also an enlightened and empathic decision. Pro-lifers are simply afraid to admit that sometimes a decision will never be completely free from guilt. Sometimes extremely difficult decisions need to be made, and many people can't deal with this, so they resort to an over-simplistic system of 'good' and 'evil'.

Everything should, overall be looked at as black and white, good and evil. It may not always be that simple but we should always aim for the good.

Again, you're arguing on the same side as a pro-choicer. I would LOVE to be able to break everything down to black and white. But it's not that simple. We must look at a problem from all perspectives, including the mother's side. Yes, that girl is irresponsible because she slept with a man and now she's pregnant. It's so easy to dismiss her and judge her. But we can't take away her right to decide for herself. Educate her. Tell her that raising this child could possibly be the best thing to happen to her. Tell her she must use contraceptives and be careful of the self-destructive behaviour she's engaging in. But after we talk to her, we must respect the fact that it's HER CHOICE. Not yours. Not mine. It's irrelevant what our opinions are because she is different to us. You can't expect everyone to have the same ideals as you.

FInal thought: the majority of people who are given plentiful information, room to think, and are treated like a mature, intelligent adult will come to the least selfish conclusion.

"Time is never wasted when you're wasted all the time." -Catherine Zandonella


She's not generalizing, she's merely stating her position while at the same time attempting to analize and respect the opposing view. That's something more people need to do in these types of issues.


THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are the first real voice of clarity with this absurdety.
I thought for a moment I woke up in the dark ages. And what's so apparently notice(?)able, is the fact that none of these so called pro-lifers have been raped and forced to live with a kid that's the spitting image of his daddy. The person I'm talking about didn't have a choice, because of her overly religious parents and the people of her churge. Her story was already known because of the trial against her rapist, what means that everyone knows that her child is the product of a brutal act, what means that the kid will also know this if he's a few years older. And she is looking in her child's eyes and all she sees is the man that is responsable for this awful and lonely situation. And do you think one of these pro-lifers and religious people will help her, you're mistaken too. She couldn't be more ashamed then the people make her feel and most of them won't even want her and her child to come to church, it makes them uncomfartable, can you believe that?!!

Ofcause, this is a situation that won't acccure as much as unwanted teenage precnantcy's and all the other issues women have to abort their foetus. And I don't use the word 'kill' and 'baby' for a reason, because it isn't a baby yet, so it can't be considered a killing in the first place, not to mention what the law says. It's still legal in most places and for a very good reason and if after watching this movie, they still think it's not right to abort a foetus, they just haven't been watching and rather see us go back to that, then there's something terrible wrong with these people. 'Cause they rather see women and children starving, going from one home to another, stateproperty, nothing more. Are they so dumb to think that most of these children will get a loving home after being dumped by their parents? Maybe, if it's a new born, with blond hair and blue eyes, then it has a fighting chance, or even some of the etnic children (but then again, they are usely not as quick to abandon their offspring as we white folks do, in the States anyway, I've researched this topic for a while now).

I will never understand people. How can something as beautiful as delivering a child turn into a nightmare in the fist place. Human nature isn't that great anymore, or maybe it never was, I sometimes don't know anymore. Ofcause, in a perfect world there would be no need for abortion, but the world isn't that perfect, human nature can be just as cruel and brutal as mother nature sometimes is. But I always thought we had some common sense, but in subjects like these, it's sometimes hard to find...........

"You are NOT your mistakes, you learn from them and try to live accordingly" Oprah Winfrey
(somewhat like that, I'm not from an English speaking country, so don't mind my writingskills)



And in the case of murder, when a man who is possibly innocent is about to die? As the former Governor in Texas, I don't think Bush chose life over death. To everything there is a season...A time to live, and a time to die. I support Roe vs. Wade because I actually know of a case where abortion saved the lives of three-A mother and the other two children growing inside her. She was carrying triplets but her small frame would not support three. It was either induce one of the fetuses or lose all of them. With a decision like that what would you choose? I can tell you that her twin son and daughter are very beautiful and they bring joy to those who love them.

Also people seem to ignore the medical reasoning as well as incest cases.

I will tell you that I don't support the abortions which occur when a couple carelessly engages in sex and oops. Then again isn't it funny that the same prolifers want to teach abstinence only in public schools? Unplanned pregnancies are going to occur all of the time unfortunately. But still, people should be allowed to choose. Or else it will only go back to women having unsafe abortions



(Right on the money BluAngel76! I am fully 100% supportive of abortion being the right of the prospective mother to decide. I find that most pro-lifers see the world in black and white and hide behind a bible to support their decisions (and vote for Bush, which is exceedingly hypocritical for a pro-lifer), but the world is and has always been an incredibly complex place. How can you apply the same righteousness of the bible to every single situation that finds a woman with an unwanted pregnancy? Take the situation of the rich young woman in Vera Drake. Her situation was precarious, and the appearance of a bunch of pro-lifers screaming at her for murdering her unborn child (not knowing or caring about her reasons) would only scar an already distraught woman.)

You would never understand really the real meaning of CHARITY, not unless you learn to accept CHrist your Lord, i am not a close minded person when i deal with others about their problem i never shut them off for the fact if it involves abortion, but having abortion is really not the solution, dont think to much about yourself and hw other would think of you for having that child, you dont know exactly how to give CHARITY to others you just think about what is really best for you, your a selfish person, if you think that child your holding into is a burden to yoiu wether its from the rape or from a irresponsible father, giving birth to a CHILD is a blessing that GOD gave to a woman these are the qaulity that make them above than men, for they are the barer of the life in this wordl we are living, but i know you would reason out to me about the reality and abortion is the answer to the woman needs!





BluAngel76 - I agree 100% with you!!!!!! Very well stated. I am 100% for abortion and pro-choice!!!!!!



i dont really dont understand why you can MURDER your own genes or your own CHILD or put and end to the life of your own CHILD, i think your a confused person,

Prolife people are not the enemy here lady if they dont exist some of us dont exist in this world, i thank them for saving alot of babies being killed by their confused mothers, women always say thats how about me why they dont care about my wellness and how i feel about this whole thing, have you even consider if you give a chance to that child for the sake of CHARITY and have it on adoption program, believe me woman, later in your life you would really understand than regret doing abortion, most of thoose who undergo abortion when they grow old they have thoose regrets and guilt, most of thoose who didnt undergo abortion, has been at peace and contendted by their choice,

POVERTY is not the reason to seek abortion, theres an adoption program an PROLIFE people who support this, just look on your areas, and you'll find them..mostly this programs are runned by CHRISTIAN cummunity people. or you can even seek shelter on CHURCH catholic church to make an arrangement to the baby to be adopted this are rare case but they never say No if you want your child to be born..


First of all, you contradict yourself, first you wrote it's the woman's choice and that pro-lifers are thinking too black and white and then you turn it all around by saying we women even have the "duty" to have that baby, if they get unwantedly pregnant.
And then that without those prolifers there would be less abortions? How, by blowing up some more clinics, so much so, that in a lot of towns in the States most clinics are gone, out of fear mostly?!
I would never abort my baby, but that doesn't mean ever woman should do the same. When you're not in their position, you can never make the decision for them, it's not your or my business even, it's a personal matter, lawfully so!!
And stop trying to portray every christian or chatolic person as a good person. There are so many rapes, incest, murders, or whatever done in the name of christ or even worse, done by these "nice christian people". Not one religion is without their sinners Ăłr their saints and that will always be the case. Good people, bad people, they all come in different shapes and sizes, religion and colour.
But to get back to the subject, without abortion there would also be too many unwanted children, who are not that fortunate, after they get "adopted", a lot can and does happen, especially in countries where that system isn't good enough, children that get placed with the wrong parents and after they are a bit older, already scarwed for life, no one wants to adopt them, which means they get shuffed from fosterhomes to the so called childrencentre, wich also means, when the money's not their and the institute has to close, these kids get in other homes and if they are a bit scarwed, they end up in psychwards or whatever. This is just one thing that can happen and often it doesn't, but in the States it does happen a lot, especially since Bush is in office, he doesn't have the money to help all these kids and only for that reason I'm already pro-choice. There are to many unwanted children already, do we really want more? And what about all these drugmothers, do you really want them to bare their drugaddicted baby nobody wants to adopt, because the child may have permanent braindamage or whatever.

I know I use the most, unlikely to happen, stories, but it's a reality, just like all these streetkids in Brasil, childhookers in Thailand, crackbabies in the States, they don't have a choice and so the circle keeps spinning.
Then maybe you should trust your God and let people make their own decisions, according to the bible, just as God intended?! I'm not that religious, but it seems obvious, or is it just obvious to me? I don't know anymore, all i know is, that there are too many children suffering and too many wars in name of religion. One thing you where right about. It should be up to the mother and just hope she will make the right decision. Otherwise nothing will be private and personal anymore......

"If only the good people go to Heaven, it must be a boring place"


First of all, you contradict yourself, first you wrote it's the woman's choice and that pro-lifers are thinking too black and white and then you turn it all around by saying we women even have the "duty" to have that baby, if they get unwantedly pregnant.

“Every Man has the Duty to give others the Right to lived its a basic principle of humanity Right to lived, that includes the Law of God “ thou shall not Kill” which is a mortal SIN. But you or other would reject that it is wrong or a SIN. Whatever isn’t normal to the Nature of man is always contradicting to the balance of Nature. The woman was made to born and the Made was made to make the woman make her born a child. ”

And then that without those prolifers there would be less abortions? How, by blowing up some more clinics, so much so, that in a lot of towns in the States most clinics are gone, out of fear mostly?!

“ I think your confused how can a Prolifer don’t exist and lesser Abrotions.. Because of the Prolifers the Pro Abortions are impede to do so, The congress or the state of the particular country would make it a crime to abort a baby, that was raised and defended by the PROLIFE movement the right to lived and the of will to Lived..”

I would never abort my baby, but that doesn't mean ever woman should do the same. When you're not in their position, you can never make the decision for them, it's not your or my business even, it's a personal matter, lawfully so!!

“I may not in their position, But it is my Duty to defend the Life of the Defenseless Babies, What position do I have? I have the position to oppose and uphold the right to lived and defend every Child and Babies, Just like the Mother who would try to kill his/ her Adolescene son or daughter. As God or the State gave me the gift to lived so does I would let other give that right. Cause I believed its not on their hand to decide who should lived or who shouldn’t lived” Nobody has the right to take others life unless the other person agree so, even so its still a Murder if the other person aggress”

And stop trying to portray every christian or chatolic person as a good person. There are so many rapes, incest, murders, or whatever done in the name of christ or even worse, done by these "nice christian people". Not one religion is without their sinners Ăłr their saints and that will always be the case. Good people, bad people, they all come in different shapes and sizes, religion and colour.

“ Im not Trying to Portray as the most good one”. It shows that those who aggress with abortions are not in good position to decide which is right or wrong” since of of them are just sacred or irresponsible persons who don’t care about other sake but by their own comfort is a sign of bad character that should be dealt with a Psycharist or a Religious clergy who can facilitate their statues so they wont regret every mistakes they would make”

But to get back to the subject, without abortion there would also be too many unwanted children, who are not that fortunate, after they get "adopted", a lot can and does happen, especially in countries where that system isn't good enough, children that get placed with the wrong parents and after they are a bit older, already scarwed for life, no one wants to adopt them, which means they get shuffed from fosterhomes to the so called childrencentre, wich also means, when the money's not their and the institute has to close, these kids get in other homes and if they are a bit scarwed, they end up in psychwards or whatever.

“Shut up lady you don’t make sense” try to analyze ever word you are speaking” you don’t have any objection or whatsoever, your just reasoning out without having a good point, you are override by your emotions along with your wrong principles”

This is just one thing that can happen and often it doesn't, but in the States it does happen a lot, especially since Bush is in office, he doesn't have the money to help all these kids and only for that reason I'm already pro-choice. There are to many unwanted children already, do we really want more? And what about all these drugmothers, do you really want them to bare their drugaddicted baby nobody wants to adopt, because the child may have permanent braindamage or whatever.

I know I use the most, unlikely to happen, stories, but it's a reality, just like all these streetkids in Brasil, childhookers in Thailand, crackbabies in the States, they don't have a choice and so the circle keeps spinning.

“ You may raise rare situation like that but doesn’t mean it is good enough to make abortions since if other who are normal of what you think has the right to lived, How much more those who aren’t” if we give important to the disabled person by making or building them special road or facilities , whats the difference between them and us? Maybe your too indiscriminate about the babies of those mothers, You cant determined the real compassion from the wrong one” And saying that abortion should be legalized for the reason that poverty exist” is like kill the other for the sake of saving a lot of money” do you value material thing over living things? Or individual How horrible person you are.” That goes to the Abortionist to..

Then maybe you should trust your God and let people make their own decisions, according to the bible, just as God intended?! I'm not that religious, but it seems obvious, or is it just obvious to me? I don't know anymore, all i know is, that there are too many children suffering and too many wars in name of religion. One thing you where right about. It should be up to the mother and just hope she will make the right decision. Otherwise nothing will be private and personal anymore......

“Freedom of Choice to abort a child isn’t freedom at all, since Freedom is true when it gives others a chance to lived” Just like we do on the Battle to defend our nations so that other race would not take our freedom” The law of Man and the Law of God has a big difference, But when it comes to Life it is one” the Right to Live and the Right to Exist”

"If only the good people go to Heaven, it must be a boring place"

Boring people are those who only do things that has no challenge since they are slubs and their life has no obstacles or hardship, they see wrong things as right they see things as normal, But hose who fight what is wrong are individuals who defend it thick and boned its not easy its challenging so what is boring? Those who go by the flow or the one who try to make himself good inspite of the evil in his surrounding can you? Evil persons are Boring people.. hehehe cause they never take challenges in their life” That is to be good..hehe


First of, I thought my English grammer was bad, but yours is even worse, but I think I understood most of it.

You had a few good points, like all subjects, there's a lot of grey area. There was one thing I had to think about. I wrote that it's the "mother's" choice what to do when she's pregnant and you pointed out that there should be more consideration for the baby, instead of the "mother's to be", but then I got thinking....

Isn't that just the point, for pro-lifers, it's not a baby/person yet. So if there is no life, how can you kill it. You only kill the posibility of life and that's the real issue we should discus, not only the reason behind it, I think.

When I wrote my last message, I was very emotional and it was because of another tv programme, that I mentioned all these worse-case scenario's. The programme showed only the most sensational stories with abortions. And that's where you ánd I went wrong. A lot of these women are upperclass citizens, well educated, so not all of these women are unfit to make such a desicion, as you also suggested. I think that's an unfair statement, just like my worse-case scenario's, not all of these women are poor 'trailertrash', as they like to call it.

And finally, about my sentence "If only good people go to heaven, it must be a boring place"?!
I had to finish my profile and I couldn't remember my favourite quote, so I wrote this one. With 'good people', I don't mean just normal people. It means that if those people that live their life's as they should, but without much joy, like many do. The working class, so to speak, but then only work, no vacation's, every day the same, some have families. How do you say this, uhm, people that live in a rut (something like that).

To get back to the subject, read Celebrian's remark, because this is getting almost rediciolous, it's an ungoing discussion, that will never end, so there will be no solution. So maybe we should both put some water to the wine and agree to disagree.

"If only the good people go to Heaven, it must be a boring place"


I agree with BluAngel76.

No one wants to have to go through an abortion. But I believe it is necessary in life. Unwanted children are born every day into awful homes with parents who won't love them, but simply see them as a burden. Even if a child is given up for adoption, he/she may never get a wonderful life. He/she will be stuck in an orphanage till the age of 18, and then sent out into the world never really knowing what it what like to be loved.

A woman shouldn't have to bear the burden of childbirth and raising an unwanted child simply because she had sex or was raped. Sex is a natural thing, it is something everyone does. And to be raped, and then have to have your RAPIST'S child, how can you be expected to love that? I think the pain a fetus may or may not go through for one small period of time compared to years of regret, agony and pain, being reminded every day of the time when you were raped, would be too much.

I know two girls; one had an abortion and another chose to have her child, both as teens. The girl who had the abortion now is in college and can actually go somewhere in life. She has no regrets because she can still live her life as she wants, and she isn't struggling to pay for diapers or try to get food to eat. The other girl HATES her child. She has no life, no money and basically dumps her kid on her parents. Yeah, I'm sure that child is much happier now with a life like that. These kids that have these awful childhoods tend to grow up to be rapists. murderers,robbers, etc. Just because they were given life, doesn't mean they will do any good for the world.

I think until you have been in that situation, you cannot really say what you would or wouldn't do (And yes, I have been in this situation to an extent, and so have a few of my friends). Not to say that all of you would choose to abort a fetus, but I don't think these "pro-lifers" should go around trying to blow up abortion clinics and try to sound all high and mighty unless they have been there first hand. If these people are so concerned for these children, they should go out to all those orphanages full of unwanted children that couldn't be aborted and adopt them and give them a real "LIFE" because that is what you all are supposedly crusading for.


I think abortion helps people and I am 100% for abortion. It would be nice to live in a world where mistakes never happen and there were no unwanted pregnancies, but its just not that easy, and often abortion is the most responsible thing to do. Its not killing as it is not yet alive. And all women should be equally in control over their motherhood, wether its rape victims of people whose contraceptive failed or people who made mistakes, a child should not be forced on anyone, it should come into a world that is ready for it, one with the best to offer it no matter how it were concieved. If abortion is really "killing" you surely can't say its okay to kill if the circumstances are right? If your really think its "killing" then that raped girls "baby" is just as "dead" as anyother girls who terminated a pregnancy, don't be hypocritical, surley "killing" is "killing" no matter what the justification?



"A foetus is alive, if it weren’t it would cause a woman to have a miscarriage"

A misscaraige is when the womb regects the fertilized egg or the featus (depending on the stage of pregnancy) and is in no way show the egg/featus is alive just as much as a breast rejecting an implant suggests the implant is alive.

"How do you "force" a child onto someone (outside of rape)? I'm assuming that when you spread your legs you know the consequences of that action? Any act that has consequences, especially involving the lives of others, takes responsibility; if you're not responsible to carry a life for nine months than don't participate in an act that can cause that life to start in the first place. An innocent and defenceless child shouldn't be killed because adults want their cake and eat it too"

Blah blah blah, sex is wrong and never fun and anyone who makes a mistake or whos pills feck up should pay for it their whole lives, a child will teach them a lesson in not being filthy whores.....Whatever, I'd say you need to get laid but you don't seem to be very sexually forward so wouldn't care :p

"There is a HUGE difference between aborting a foetus because it was physically forced on you and aborting it because it's an inconvenience to you after participating in an act that you knew could lead to conception "

Like I said, that raped girls "baby" is no less "dead", not the "babys" fault its mother was raped why should it "die" because of it? I mean come one, you'r just throwing the seals a fish now, if you truley believe abortion is murder than you can't justify it.

"People can in fact pick and chose when they want to have children by not having sex, it really is that easy "

I'm going to make a basic example here of why this statment is dumb. If you don't want to get fat then you can stop eating, doesn't mean its the only solution. If women don't want to have children they can still have sex because of all the other options available to them now like condoms, the pill, the morning after pill and yes even abortion! I rest comfortably in my bed at night knowing that in my society abortion is legal and the act of love is seen in its full glory, not just as something dirty girls do before they execute those innocent babies O_o



"Pregnancy as a cause of rape is extremely rare and almost non-existent, "

Apply the same likeliness therefore to someone having sex just once and being consenting. What is the difference? In the end its the same chance of pregnancy in the end.
You have to accept that since there is no physical difference between fertilisation from rape and one from consensual sex that the probabilites are the same.

You can't just accept abortion for rape being ok because you think it makes up such a small number. Thats not a reason. A reason is believing that no one has any say except the victim, you'll still believe its murder but the crime makes that ok to you. Whereas I would say that its not something that should exist, therefore it is her right to prevent that.

I'm glad you wouldn't make a rape victim have a child, I just hope its for the right reasons.
Make History


"1) The baby died within the womb which causes the body to miscarriage or, in later pregnancy go into birth, which would result into giving birth to the dead child

2) The foetus did not implant, or bury itself, into the womb lining properly causing the foetus to bleed out like an unfertilized egg during the monthly cycle"

And these prove that a pregnancy is alive how? Just cause you say baby instead of featus, the only time a baby dies in the womb is towards the last months of pregnancy when its actually formed into a baby and it is still born, misscarriages before them for starters do not even result in a dead body. So these examples to me, except for the case of still birth, are not proof of life.

"You're clearly not even mature enough to handle the responsibility of having sex judging by that bullocks"

Explain to me how its bollocks hun, I mean its your moral value not mine, I just put it down in words that should how truly stupid it was.

"Rape abortion- terminating a foetus that was physically forced upon you.
Free-willed sex abortion- terminating a foetus because it is an inconvenience to you even though you were well aware of the consequences of your actions

Very clear, but it still has sweet FA to do with what I posted. All I said is that if you truley believe abortion is killing a child how can you condone it in any way?

"Condoms, birth control, sperm asides, etc, are not 100% fail proof. These things an be used to help prevent pregnancy but their is always a chance that they will not work. So why should a child have to die for YOUR mistakes?
Oh yes, what an act of love "I love you so much that were going to kill our child"
You sound like a typical child from a broken home or/and half-a*sed parents. I pity you"

Well if we only had sex when willing to produce children then we'd either only do it once or twice in our whole lives (which is considerd as unhealthy by many psychologists) or we'd have families so large the parents couldn't feed them. A healthy relationship is all the better for sex, it brings a closeness I can;t even describe and I'm happy I can enjoy that with my man because I take my pill and we are both happy that if that fails I can terminate my pregnancy and we can have our children when we have a life to offer them. I do come from a "broken home" as you people like to call it, but I'm the better for it, my mother was with a man who saw everything in black and white, not unlike yourself, and I am the better for being able to have a home away from him and his rubbish, and it means that I have realistic, empathetic and socially responsable views rather than ones like yours. I hate the term "broken home", yeah ideally kids get two parents, but sometimes one makes a much better job of it then they would if they keep parents who like my father do more damage than good, and I'll tell you what, I'm a hell of alot more stable and grounded than peers who came from a two parent houshold, probably because they had repressive figures like you for a parent.



"Fact: A woman will not miscarry unless the foetus/child has died"

Give me the medical defintion of misscarriage, not in your own words and we'll see if it uses the word "die".

"It's bullocks because it was immaturely written and, therefore, can't be taken seriously= bullocks"

It was immaturely written because your opinion is immature, outdated, unrealistic and condeming of anyone who doesn't hold the exact same moral value as yourself.

"Don't put words in my mouth. I've stated time and time again that I could care less who you have sex with, how many times or if you use protection; all I care is that if you participate in an act which can lead to pregnancy you shouldn't be given the right to kill that child for your own "mistakes""

That had absolutely nothing to do with the comment I made.

"LMAO! So now you have medical proof as to what equates a healthy relationship?! Sex is meant for two people who love each other so much that if they get pregnant they'll be rejoiced by what they have created together, not disappointed "

Its a psychological fact that any relationship counseller will agree with. Sex is meant for any adult who wants it, end of story, its got nothing innatley to do with emotion, nicer when it has but thats through are own actions not innate ones. And even if you love someone you can not be ready to be a parent, and its not disappointment love, its fear.

"A realistic person is aware that having sex leads to pregnancy so if they have zero desire to carry their child for nine months they don't have sex.
An empathic person does not condone the butchering of children for the sake of convenience
A socially responsible person, like a realistic person, avoids unnecessary situations, which can cause them, or others harm"

You are cleary one of these people who has no idea what empathy is, go look it up, its being able to understand the innerworkers of another persons cognition and not being judgmental of it, before you go harping about empathy read some Karl Rogers. Realistic people know that sex itsn't just about wether you get pregnant or not. Socially responsible people do the responsible thing for society, which can be never having sex or whatever but can also be terminating an unwanted pregnancy and not bringing yet another unhappy or poor family into the world.

"The term broken home doesn't always apply to people who don't have two parents, it means people who were raised by half-as*ed guardians who didn't teach them morals, responsibility, humility, instil confidence and to overall stand-up for the good "

And don't you think if these people do get pregnant its better that they don't bring a child into that situation? Thats how we get these half arsed parents, they have children for the wrong reasons, not because they want to love and provide for a child.

"Since they didn't voluntarily participate in the act they shouldn't be forced to pay for the consequence. Understand?"

Oh I see, so its not actually about you thinking abortion is killg babies and that cannot be condoned, its about your high and mighty morals regarding sex? So having an unwanted child should be done if you had sex because its how you "pay for the consequences", thats sick my friend, real twisted. A child is then a punishment for not "keeping your legs closed", and you think your morals are so superior to mine.

"Excuse me Katie, but why did our children have to account for our actions of having sex and our failure of methods of birth control? As Laurie said, we already had the option of self control and birth control, that should be enough.

But none of this is going to convince you because you simply won't accept that the unborn are alive. So, I would suggest you gatecrash a biology class somewhere"

I did, which is why I'm not spouting this embryo = child crap, its not one yet, like saying a seed is a flower. And its not our child yet, its our pregnancy, its not a thinking being therefor cannot pay for our mistakes in the context you are suggesting.

"If you truly believe that abortion is wrong, I have a suggestion. Volunteer to counsel young pregnant women in your nearest local support centre. Do not force your opinions onto the young women. Treat them like human beings, educate them, and for god's sake PLEASE let them decide for themselves. If you give them the options and the education, it's the best thing you can do to help their situation. You'll be surprised how far a little trust goes"

Exactly! Instead of condeming peoples actions how about you help them? Treat them as humanbeings? Istead of acting like they deserved this burden for being little sluts you comfort them and offer support if they chose to have the child? Then the women who have abortions because they're ashamed of being pregnant or because theres no emotional support network might feel more able to have their children.

"it is about directly killing ones own child"

No its not for the love of god, if it were killing a child no civilised, democratic country would allow it for reasons I already stated. The only thing you can argue its doing is PREVENTING LIFE, which I can understand why people think is bad, but if you say its killing you need to get a decent education.




MAY GOD HAVE MERCY IN YOUR SOUL and give youy the grace to be CHANGE in HEART AND MIND


Excuse me Katie, but why did our children have to account for our actions of having sex and our failure of methods of birth control? As Laurie said, we already had the option of self control and birth control, that should be enough.

But none of this is going to convince you because you simply won't accept that the unborn are alive. So, I would suggest you gatecrash a biology class somewhere.


I don't know what you've learned in biology-class, but I'm told that the unborn baby is not considered as an indepentent life until after 14-18 week. Where I live, the law says that every woman has the right for free abortion within 12 week. After that, you can apply for abortion within 18 week.

And, I hope for everyone who finds themselves discussing this issue, that it is not about murdering an unborned baby. It is about woman's right to decide for herself, and for her body. A woman knows very well what's the issue, and will never find abortion as an easy way out. Being against abortion, is supporting an age old idea that women are unable to make the right decission for themselves. And yes, that a woman can live a life that is the best for her is, in fact, more important, than an unborn baby being born.

People against abortion should put personal and religious beliefs away when it comes to this issue. Because the fact is, that is it is none of your freakin' buisness! It's not "pro-life", it's "pro-womens oppressing"



"My reasoning for being okay with a rape victim aborting her foetus isn't about the ratio; it's about the situation. I think it's horrible to terminate any child but I understand why a rape victim should be given that choice. In all honesty I would hope that they have the courage to carry out the pregnancy but to force them too would be like sticking a victim in jail.
Since they didn't voluntarily participate in the act they shouldn't be forced to pay for the consequence. Understand?"

Sorry, but you can't have it both ways. If you subscribe to the theory that the foetus is alive, then how can it be "sometimes" okay to kill it. In essence you have in this case used logic to detirmine that the life of the foetus is secondary to the life of the mother, which is the same reasoning many of us who are pro-choice justify our position.


Those who are for abortion are denying the woman the right to choose for herself. Who are you to make that decision for her? Are you from such a higher plane of existence that your beliefs and morals should be forced onto another human being? And if so, when does it end? What about smoking, and drinking, and chocolate, and high fat foods, and so on? Do we take away a pregnant woman's right to decide for every aspect of her life which risks her unborn child's? This argument is paving the way for an authoritarian (or even totalitarian) environment.

So many times throughout history we see a person with strong ideals that they feel should be forced onto others, yet we know that the end result of 'strong-minded, well-meaning individuals' is a violation of the basic human right to decide. As I have stated before, well meaning American governments illegalised abortions in the first half of the twentieth century, which drove up backyard abortions phenomenonly, and resulted in botched-up abortions being the number one killer of pregnant women. Note: I do not support the concept of killing an unborn child, however it is NOT your or my right to decide for someone else.

If you truly believe that abortion is wrong, I have a suggestion. Volunteer to counsel young pregnant women in your nearest local support centre. Do not force your opinions onto the young women. Treat them like human beings, educate them, and for god's sake PLEASE let them decide for themselves. If you give them the options and the education, it's the best thing you can do to help their situation. You'll be surprised how far a little trust goes.

"Time is never wasted when you're wasted all the time." -Catherine Zandonella


This has been discussed many times. It is not ok to force your idle opinions on people, but it is absolutely fine and dandy to try and stop someone killing another.

People should help people out, if they want. But just because you don't voluteer to help criminals doesn't mean you have no right to tell them not to commit a crime. I do all that charity work and whatnot, but I don't think it is compulsory of everyone before they can have an opinion.

I think the "basic human right" to life overrides the right to choose to kill.

This is not about people eating the wrong food, or people generally being mean spirited or a bad person, which, agreed you can't force people not to be, it is about directly killing ones own child.

Count your blessings not your curses - My Grandma

God bless John Paul II


"People should help people out, if they want. But just because you don't voluteer to help criminals doesn't mean you have no right to tell them not to commit a crime. I do all that charity work and whatnot, but I don't think it is compulsory of everyone before they can have an opinion. "

I have to respecfully disagree there. If you're going to tell people your way of thinking/doing things/living is better, you'd better back it up. For example: I know many people who push adoption as the alternative to abortion, but at the same time I don't see them adopting nine unwanted babies. If you're going to claim something as a solution, you should have a hand in implementing it. You can have an opinion all you want, but if you're not helping the situation then you do not have the right to attempt to get your opinion codified into law. Like I said, start adopting record numbers of those children you don't want to see aborted, then I'll listen to you when you advance it as an option.


"If you're going to tell people your way of thinking/doing things/living is better, you'd better back it up"

This is true, going into a career in Social Work we're taught not to judge anyones lifestyle, not to say that our lifesyle or morals are better than theirs, we show people a more benefitting way and don't judge, ever, because it helps no one. Plus, who is it that decides if ones lifestyle is better than anothers? We are all equal in this world, no one is superior to anyone else, no one is better than anyone else. And when you volunteer to help criminals its not actually of any help to tell them not to commit a crime, what we do is to show them how crime is detrementle to them and to others and what the possible alternatives are.


Great, so you are the kind of person I'm going to have to work with Katie? lol :p jokes

Count your blessings not your curses - My Grandma

God bless John Paul II


"Great, so you are the kind of person I'm going to have to work with Katie? lol :p "

You're a Social Worker?




lol. really?

Count your blessings not your curses - My Grandma

God bless John Paul II



" is absolutely fine and dandy to try and stop someone killing another."

Another what? Another human? Is a foetus human yet? Technically, it's a parasitical organism drawing nutrients and oxygen from the mother and giving nothing in return. Its neural system has not matured and will not even begin to show any neuronal firing activity until forty days, therefore it is quite incapable of understanding that it is being destroyed. How about animal deaths, or plant deaths, or bacterial deaths? When does it become cruel? One may argue that broad spectrum antibiotics are heinous mass instruments of death. What about shooting animals for leisure?

"...doesn't mean you have no right to tell them not to commit a crime."

The crime is in the eye of the beholder here. You have the right to express your opinion, NOT to tell them not to commit what YOU believe should be a crime. Every single situation involving an abortion is unique. You can't simply lump these situations into death or no-death. You may want to, and it may seem easier to comprehend, but the more you simplify, the less you percieve. Move beyond death or no-death into the reasons why and the background of the case.

"I think the "basic human right" to life overrides the right to choose to kill."

Good point. How about the mother's right to life? Remember, backyard abortions are often unsatisfactorily performed and the consequences are not pretty. Would you like to read yet another story about the death of a pregnant woman with a ruptured uterus? And what kind of life would you be giving the baby? An unstable home with parents who didn't want the child to begin with? An adopted child who must live with knowing he/she was abandoned by his/her parents? An orphanage (enough said)? Studies have shown that children from these environments are often maladjusted, discontent with education and social relationships, are more likely to commit theft, assault, and murder, and are more than twice as likely to end up in jail. What a fun life you're 'awarding' these children.

"This is not about people eating the wrong food, or people generally being mean spirited or a bad person, which, agreed you can't force people not to be, it is about directly killing ones own child."

Thank you for once again distilling the argument into a simple case of black and white. In real life, it's never this easy. Have you thought about the many shades of grey involved. You say the mother is a murderer for wanting to kill her own child? Is it then manslaughter if she chooses to drive a car when pregnant and has an accident through negligent driving? Is it manslaughter if she drinks alcohol and falls in the street hard enough to induce an abortion?

If a potential mother is considering the death of her own child, you can imagine she probably has thought long and hard about her difficult decision. This image of young teenage sluts who don't use protection 'cause "I can just go out and get an abortion" is an unfair generalisation and makes up a negligable percentage of the women in question. The stigma of pregnancy accounts for a far higher proportion. Note that this stigma is due to the Christian church dominating so much of contemporary culture and society with extremely conservative views. I consider this to be mildly hypocritical.

Finally, please do not respond by calling me a heartless baby-killer (it's happened to me before). To do so is insulting and ignorant. I am opposed to the concept of destroying an unborn child, however I believe it's not my place to decide for others, because I do not know their situation or reasons as well as they do. This is why I am pro-choice and in favour of all forms of legalised abortion.

"Time is never wasted when you're wasted all the time." -Catherine Zandonella



Excellent points f_jiff. Abortion is a severely unpleasant concept, but it's preferable to the consequences of illegalising the practice. Pro-choice is the lesser of the two evils when one considers the entire problem.

The simple act of travelling to an abortion clinic is usually enough to encourage the woman to reflect on her decision, and counselling is always available to help her make her mind up. I think it would be quite difficult for a woman to forget about what she is doing in this day and age.

I've always thought that if a couple is engaging in unprotected sex, there's an underlying issue involved, such as a troubled home environment (which often leads to self-destructive and risk-taking behaviour), or a man who simply does not want to wear a condom and intimidates the woman into complying. I've read some anec-dotes about Catholic men who will, in the name of the Church, refuse to wear a condom or allow his wife to buy contraceptives, yet the woman does not want any more children.

I like that last pro-life comment, too. I've also read about the violent, hypocritical behaviour of some extreme pro-lifers. Doesn't do much for their image.

"Time is never wasted when you're wasted all the time." -Catherine Zandonella


Not to mention many "pro-lifers" I know support the death penalty, war, hunting, and many other socially execptsble forms of killing.


I bet they eat eggs too, how dare you all eat baby chickens :p


Lol, eggs are a chickens period, yuck. And if you do think a chicken egg is a baby chicken, then a human egg is a baby human and certainly a foetus. But, you were probably being sarcastic, :)

Anyway, I am a vegetarian, but I don't advocate it because animals are not on the same level as people. I am 100% against the death penatlty, it is an absolutely disgraceful "solution", similar to abortion, although in the case of a criminal being put to death, they have done something wrong. Still, their life is not ours to take and no one deserves to die. Well, maybe they do, but that is not for anyone to act upon except God, or nature, whatever, lol.

Count your blessings not your curses - My Grandma

God bless John Paul II


That was my point. All these things involve the taking of life, yet are ignored by the vast majority of so called "pro-lifers". These people are not pro life, they are merely anti-abortion. Real pro-lifers (such as the late pope John Paul II) are against ANYTHING their consience tells them is a loss of life.


Agreed. The term pro-life should be applied to only those against everything anti-death. I consider myself pro-life.

I don't like it when I'm told that pro-lifers "like me" kill abortionists and bomb clinics. It's like saying all pro-choice women are career focused slappers, only worse.

Count your blessings not your curses - My Grandma

God bless John Paul II


"I don't like it when I'm told that pro-lifers "like me" kill abortionists and bomb clinics. It's like saying all pro-choice women are career focused slappers, only worse."

And ultimatly, it hurts your side, I think a lot of people (including myself) symapathize with the pro-life cause, but are extremely relutant to give control of the matter over to a bunch of whacko zealots who post the names and wherabouts of doctor's families on the internet to "encourage" them to stop performing abortions.


"Lol, eggs are a chickens period, yuck. And if you do think a chicken egg is a baby chicken, then a human egg is a baby human and certainly a foetus. But, you were probably being sarcastic, :)"

Hehehee, I was playing about yeah, nice to inject a bit of lightheartedness into such a morbid debate :)


True, this topic is a bit of a drag, it's so depressing, lol.

Thing about people who go to extremes to get the pro-life point across... they don't do us many favours, but then again they are doing it for a good cause, but then again (lol) there are much better ways of doing it. Plus, the people that used to go to extremes for human rights are the ones who get the praise now, so, y'know.

Count your blessings not your curses - My Grandma

God bless John Paul II


"Thing about people who go to extremes to get the pro-life point across... they don't do us many favours, but then again they are doing it for a good cause, but then again (lol) there are much better ways of doing it. Plus, the people that used to go to extremes for human rights are the ones who get the praise now, so, y'know."

I think the people who uphold a cause with dignity, respect and don't hurt anyone are the ones who do better. After all, how can you go respecting somebodies opinion if they scream and shut it and treat you like dirt? People do a cause better by actually helping, not hurting people. The pro-lifers that actually help women struggling with decisions are of far more value to society then those who simply wish to condem. :)


of course, but as many pro lifers (myself included) see abortion as murder, they probably don't think it is their responsibility to look after murderers. In my case, I would much rather care for a woman if it meant she wouldn't kill her child (or even if she did regardless) than just moan about it. But that's me.

Count your blessings not your curses - My Grandma

God bless John Paul II


"I think the people who uphold a cause with dignity, respect and don't hurt anyone are the ones who do better. After all, how can you go respecting somebodies opinion if they scream and shut it and treat you like dirt? People do a cause better by actually helping, not hurting people. The pro-lifers that actually help women struggling with decisions are of far more value to society then those who simply wish to condem. :) "

Very true. Look at the civil rights movement. We remembe Martin Luthor King because he had the courage to stand up over time to evil. The Black Panthers also accomplished a lot, but killed in order to do it. Do we remember them? not so much. Does Bono write songs about them? Again no. There's no reason to listen to the violent pro life side of the pro life agenda when there are many eloquent and honorable people who speak against abortion in a civilized way. I may not agree with all of them but the debate is healthy.


ok, but I didn't think we were really debating how one should go about protesting against something, I thought it was more if we have right to protest at all.

Count your blessings not your curses - My Grandma

God bless John Paul II


"ok, but I didn't think we were really debating how one should go about protesting against something, I thought it was more if we have right to protest at all"

Everyone has the right to protest, as long as they get their facts straight, even if I stonly disagree, its a persons right. The issue with me is the condeming, being judgmental. The protesters standing outside the clinics calling the women in there murders. Go to rallies, write to politicians, offer alternatives, whatever, just don't attack, mentally or physically, other people, they are doing what they believe is right just like you are.


You do. My point is simply this:

Where I live (in the States) the pro-life "activism" is mainly limited to the farthest from mainstream religeous groups that have little credibility with a great portion of society. They chant, hold signs, and insult people who are equally locked into the other way of thinking. In almost 30 years they have accomplished next to nothing. If they really wanted to end abortion they could put their effort into a form of protest more likely to provoke reaction. For example: If an extremely large group held a hunger strike to protest abortion, they would likely get a great deal of attention from the populace and the media which could probably further their cause A LOT more then holding signs and complaining ever will.

Protest all you want, just do yourself a favor and do it in a way likely to yield at least some result.


" I would much rather care for a woman if it meant she wouldn't kill her child"

This would be a good direction the pro-life movement could take, supporting women whole do not feel they have enough support to raise a child so that she feels more able to keep it. If people could do this it would be fantastic because for some women it would eliminate their reason for abortion.


Good point. I grew up in a very religeously conservative area. In high school I knew several girls who were harrassed for getting pregnant. However I also know two girls who had abortions to end their pregnancies. Since few people knew, these girls were not harrassed, but which ones were doing the more honorable thing?


Some pro-lifers probably look to the womens suffrage example. I'm far more Lydia Becker than Emmeline Pankhurst, (Emmeline and the whole Pankhurst family were very violent in getting their point across) but the Pankhursts are seen as the reason why women got the vote - all the militancy. But I think it is debatable as to how they got the vote. I think it was more general pressure to enfranchise them because of the work women had done for the war effort. But it may well be all the violence that got them the vote - which is a bad example to todays protesters.

Count your blessings not your curses - My Grandma

God bless John Paul II


"Good point. I grew up in a very religeously conservative area. In high school I knew several girls who were harrassed for getting pregnant. However I also know two girls who had abortions to end their pregnancies. Since few people knew, these girls were not harrassed, but which ones were doing the more honorable thing?"

You see, often the same pro-lifers that harass a girl for being pregnant will harass for having a termination, its awful, and when girls are made to feel so ashamed for the mistake that can make them terminate a child they would otherwise keep. So many people back a cause, like pro-life, just so they can condem and feel superior, rather than to help women chose life.


Wow! A reasonable pro-lifer with a good attitude who hasn't spat in my face or told me I'm going to burn in hell! It's a pleasure to meet you. I also disagree with capital punishment. It's a bit bloodthirsty to hear someone saying "let that criminal hang". What happened to forgiveness and judge not?

"Time is never wasted when you're wasted all the time." -Catherine Zandonella


Exactly. They're misguided. Selective reading of the good book probably, lol.

Count your blessings not your curses - My Grandma

God bless John Paul II


"Exactly. They're misguided. Selective reading of the good book probably, lol."

You get alot of that.



Count your blessings not your curses - My Grandma

God bless John Paul II


People reading the Bible, Koran, whatever and interpreting it the way they want, or simply just reading the bits they like the sound of.


or just saying "it's in the Bible" because they know many people will not bother to look it up to verify it.


Heh heh, lol, that's just laziness on their part, not out fault. :p

Count your blessings not your curses - My Grandma

God bless John Paul II


"Heh heh, lol, that's just laziness on their part, not out fault. :p "

Well it is in a way, you shouldn't pick on stupid people, its not their fault.....Well actually it is, go for it! :p


Lol, tis true though. I wouldn't, but I could make up a quote that justifys my wrong actions, and most people would be none the wiser because they don't know their bible.

Count your blessings not your curses - My Grandma

God bless John Paul II



Well, I based my life on it.

Count your blessings not your curses - My Grandma

God bless John Paul II



Heh heh, would I? Why is that sad? Christianity (in my case Catholicism) teaches love, forgiveness and respect for human life. How could even a atheist fault with that?

Count your blessings not your curses - My Grandma

God bless John Paul II


I don't think we should mock people for basing their life on a religion, lots of people have things that they are inspired to live their life by, capitalism for one, socialism, liberalism......It doesn't matter where your beliefs come from, what matters is that people don't think their better than anyone else because of their beliefs, its not just christians that do it either, I say atheists constantly feeling that they are better than people with religion. We all need to except that nobody is better than anyone else.


I agree. I am strongly catholic and have attended catholic school my whole life. I believe that abortion is morally wrong. I don't support abortion under any circumstance, and I believe that it should be made illegal. Is that judgment based on my faith? Yes, but I believe that without God, there would be nothing, so what right do we have to take another human's life.

"The Bible is so pre-60's" So was Jesus Christ!

"A person's a person, no matter how small."- Dr. Seuss



Jesus Christ is out!? How can you say that? The morals and messeges that he preached are timeless, and oh yeah, he's the son of God.


Well wether he's the son of god or not is debatable, but you can't deny that he's teaching touch millions of people all over the world, and no matter who he was, alot of what he said makes alot of sense, I mean he died and forgave those that took his life, omg...Jesus was a Liberal :D


Not in that sense of the word. He was accepting and forgiving of wrong doers, yet he still stuck by his goodness. He hung with prostitutes, tax collecters etc, but all the while preached his word.

Count your blessings not your curses - My Grandma

God bless John Paul II


"Not in that sense of the word. He was accepting and forgiving of wrong doers, yet he still stuck by his goodness. He hung with prostitutes, tax collecters etc, but all the while preached his word. "

I still think he was a liberal, Jesus saw people do bad things but he forgave them, he saw that they could be good people, right? He showed them how they were doing wrong, right? You ask me, that rehabilitation. I do think Jesus was a great man, I don't have to be a christian to think that, hell (excuse me if I offend anyone I don't intend to) I don't even believe he was the son of God, but I won't deny the guy spoke alot of sense. Anyone on here that starts thinking they are better than anyone else because of their beliefs just ends up looking ignorant and immature.


Actually, classical liberalism was based on christian (particularly Catholic) principals. Believe it or not socialism also had roots in the Catholic church.

A note to Megshelly:
Those of us who are regulars on this board have worked to create an environment where people of opposing views have the ability the exchange their views. You seem more concerned with insulting people hen contributing anything to the debate. If you don't have anything constructive to post, please don't.



To be fair I just think Megshelly is saying stuff to get your goat up, I mean nobody talks like that do they? Unless of course they watched to much "Sweet Valley High" and think their an Californian airhead.



Woah, that really proves someone is stupid.

Count your blessings not your curses - My Grandma

God bless John Paul II



The "that" refers to Katie spelling something wrong. Who cares? I find those who feel the need to comment on irrelevant mistakes are just desperate to make a point.

Count your blessings not your curses - My Grandma

God bless John Paul II



Lol, you're so cool.

I guess Katie thinks there is more to being an airhead than common grammar mistakes.

Count your blessings not your curses - My Grandma

God bless John Paul II


Ignore her and maybe she'll go away.



"That's interesting that you would label me an airhead despite the fact that you can't properly use pronouns or spell "they're" and "too" correctly. And since when do the girls on Sweet Valley High proclaim the Jesus & The Bible are out of style? I think that that show would be a little more careful about making such statements...although I wouldn't protest if it did."


I never said you were a airhead hun, I implied you were taking the piss.....But please, prove me right in the insult I apparently threw you by telling us of your Sweet Valley High knowledge some more, oh and taking what I say so blatently out of context some more, eh kiddo.



"I don't believe you at all, you're clearly just upset that I made you look like an idiot and now you're trying to return the favor. Sorry, it's not working. Oh and "blatantly" is spelled with an "a" you moron."

Oh dear, someone's ganders up :p

I never knew airhead was such an insult, clearly taken it to heart, which is just silly cause I didn't even call you one :|

Its great how you're so hung up on my spelling, spesh as seen as its the internet and I don't care if I type so fast I *beep* it up :p

I don't think you made me look like an idiot, I don't think I made you look like one as I'd never intended that, I honestly thought everything you had said was a piss take (can you blame me?) the only one making you look like an idiot is yourself, first by you'r mocking of people beliefs and then by being so hung up on an insult I never even made that you carry it on for this long and say some of the dumbest things I've ever heard! Go back to watching your kiddy shows love, you clearly have nothing constructive to add to a debate.



If internet spelling is really that important to you than by all means do so :). If you weren't insulted then you'd have let it go, unless of course you have nothing better to do. I'm sorry you took what I said so totally the wrong way, I never intended to insult you the way you seem so intent on insulting the beliefs of the poeple on this forum. May I suggest you go away and do some growing up, come back when you have a little more understanding of, well of everything.



So yeah, anything you're going to add to the debate then?


Do us all a favour and get off this post megshelley. I'm trying to argue pro-choice, but you just make us all look completely arrogant and supercilious. In case you ain't on par with net talk, you're what we fondly refer to as a 'troll'; you provoke anger anonymously 'cause it gets you off. Lemme give you some advice: find another outlet.

P.S. 'Blah blah blah that's interesting' Where do you get off being so dismissive? Methinks you're enjoying that little faux safety bubble called elitism you've constructed around yourself. So sad.

P.P.S. Sarcasm and cynicism are the refuges of the self-hating person. See a shrink.

P.P.P.S. For someone who is so pedantic about grammar and spelling and so forth, you used the word 'irony' incorrectly. Nice going, genius.

"Time is never wasted when you're wasted all the time." -Catherine Zandonella



Meg, how can you be elitist and superior when you hate yourself?


At least you're honest. And despite your overwhelming arrogance, your writing style is kind of sexy and confident. You single megshelley?

P.S. Irony "is a form of speech in which the real meaning is concealed or contradicted by the words used". It would've been irony if that girl who called you an idiot actually (and subtley) meant to compliment you. But I'm pretty sure from your comments that she didn't have many nice words for you, so I'll assume she meant what she said. Hence NOT irony. The Alanis Morrisette version of irony, perhaps (ie. wrong).

On the other hand, you said "I love you" earlier in this post. Nice example of irony there...

"Time is never wasted when you're wasted all the time." -Catherine Zandonella



You know, I don't find this stuff amusing anymore...


A fetus is a parasite, as per this definition:

par a site

1. [u]Biology[/u] An organism that grows, feeds, and is sheltered on or in a different organism while contributing nothing to the survival of its host.

Whether a fetus is a "person" or not is a moot point. Either way, it's a parasite. And the host's right to be rid of the parasite, if she so chooses, supercedes the parasite's right to exist.

Think of it this way: What if the only way I could survive was by latching on to your neck, feeding off your blood, and absolutely refusing to let go for nine months? Would you not be morally justified in killing me, if necessary, to be rid of me?

Same deal.


I think abortion is the sickest thing in the world today. Anybody who pays to have their child murdered is disgusting. Even if the mother was raped i dont think the child should be killed for somthing it didn't do. Why punish an innocent baby for a mistake its parents made. 127,000 women are having abortions EVERY DAY. I don't understand how this is legal. I am 15 and have a 5 month old son and ive never been happier. abortion never entered my mind once. I wish i could help other teens to realise it isnt the answer. They are using it as emergency birth control for goodness sake. I have a few friends who have had abortions and hav become severly depressed because of what they had done. sorry to go on but all i ask is that people think seriously . adoption is an option. there are so mnay people out ther that would give anything to hav a child but cant.


No one should be able to say to the victim of a rape that they dhould have to keep a resulting pregnancy, most people, pro-life included agree on the fact that since that foetus is the product of a sick crime and shouldn't exist, the woman has full right to have an abortion. Not only would victims be reminded everyday of the trauma of rape, but they would ahve to face the fact that one day, the rapist/father could retain the right to seeing their child and the woman would be confronted with the man who traumtised them. you cannot ask that of anyone.

It is not murder, murder by definition is an act of malice and I don't beleive anyone who ahs an abortion does so out of malice.

The sickest thing in the world today is taht there a those who campaign for the rights of those who are not even a part of this world yet, and yet they ignore those dying in poverty of preventable diseases every second. You claim that abortion is sick, and yet whilst lifestyle diaseases (like cardiovascular disease and lung cancer) become more prevalent on this Earth than anything else, people are still dying in poverty of contagious diseases that the prevention of was discovered 50 years ago.
That is sick, a child in Africa dies every 3 seconds from poverty, that is almost 30000 every day. And that is only children. You would prefer to attack women who choose abortion, than try and recognise the people dying from something you can actually prevent.
Make History


a lot of inhumane things will help a lot of other things, but that doesn't make those inhumane things right and the sooner people realise this the better.
plus, abortion doesn't help anyone and i don't see it solving world hunger and disease, do you?

and for your information, i am concerned with world poverty, i don't need those "makepovertyhistory" plastic things to show it either.

Count your blessings not your curses - My Grandma

God bless John Paul II


abortion doesn't help anyone

On the contrary, abortion helps a lot of people. Just ask anyone who's ever had one. Actually, it helps everyone. Just ask any taxpayer who has one less public-assistance recipient that they have to support.

I would much, much, much rather have my tax money go to fund abortions for people who need them than to subsidize the lives of morons who expect the rest of us to pay for children they can't afford.


really? woah, i'd rather give all my money to pay for a child to live than ÂŁ1 to kill one and save the rest of my cash. that's just a given, or so i thought.

i like how you assume i have never come across someone who has had abortion, "on the contrary" i have met many, and all draw me to the conclusion that not only is abortion bad for youngsters but also the women who "choose" it.

Count your blessings not your curses - My Grandma

God bless John Paul II


Yes, some women do regret having abortions. But statistically speaking, they're the minority. That can be backed up with hard data.

And subsidizing other people's stupidity is most definitely not a given. I mean, if you want to, more power to you, but I'm only willing to help them insofar as helping them get abortions. Beyond that, stay the hell out of my bank account unless I'm the one I'm the one who knocked the stupid bint up, which is unlikely because 1) I associate only with a better, smarter, more liberated, more respectable class of women, and 2) I'm as sterile as a surgeon's scalpel.


Hmm, well, this is pointless because even if abortion benefitted everyone to a ridiculous degree, I would still fervently object to it. You might as well say to me "killing all the poor will get rid of poverty", "castrating suspicious men will stop rape" or the like because to me, that is not solving one evil, but creating another to counter it and thus giving us two evils to deal with. only good solves evil and abortion isn't good.

Count your blessings not your curses - My Grandma

God bless John Paul II


Fair enough.

And I will always fervently object to people trying to pass laws I see as restricting basic human rights. In this case, the basic human right to do with one's own body as one sees fit, and the basic human right to live life as one wishes without the burdens of raising an unwanted child.


I would also agree with that, if said "human right" didn't entail the most extreme breech of human rights ie right to life.

Count your blessings not your curses - My Grandma

God bless John Paul II


I would argue that the rights to the already-human automatically supercede the rights of the not-yet-human.

But obviously we're never going to agree.


who said you needed the white bands? the campaign is about awareness, which is more important than the bands.

i never said that abortion solved disease and hunger, but disease and hunger unl;ike abortion are solveable today.
You can't say that every foetus that is aborted could have been guaranteed a home and love and safety and everything they should be. but we should be able to guarantee that contagious disease and hunger can be ended in Africa and Asia simply because they are in the western world.
Your debate for abortion is not one that can be decided now, but absolute poverty can and should be ended before 2010. Save actual people that are dying unecessarily in pain and suffering, not foetuses that are terminated for a reason for the better life of its mother.
Make History


(It is not murder, murder by definition is an act of malice and I don't beleive anyone who ahs an abortion does so out of malice.)

how do you say MALICE without acting less right? ok let us see, if i was the mother of the CHILD and i have it aborted what do i think, I dont to have thise Baby for i think this came from the wrong father? do i not judge the baby in acccording to whats the father is? good or bad? which is malice to you.. MALICE is and act of thinking to others that good doesnt exist on them. in dcitionary its defined a qaulity of threathening evil or feeling need others to suffers.. funny thise are the words which are describe how the PRO ABORTION are defined in the dictionary but different word only ^_^


Although I completely disagree with everything Yummy Mummy wrote, it is refreshing to see a pro-lifer who actually sticks to their guns with the whole rape issue. Pro-life is the belief that abortion is killing a child so anyone pro-life who considers rape as a justification to "murder a child" is just blowing their own argument out of the window.


Hmm, i wouldn't consider that being pro life. If abortion is wrong, it is wrong, no exceptions. Saying a baby who has come about because of rape doesn't have the right to live, is wrong, that is discrimination in its finest form.

Count your blessings not your curses - My Grandma

God bless John Paul II


i totally agree. as i said before i have friends who have had aboritons and have become deeply depressed. how is that good for the people who have abortions>???? being depressed isnt a good thing just so you know. there are millions of couples trying to adopt and with the 127000 women killing their kids every day those couples are missing out on a chance to have a baby of their own. it is murder because a baby is a living thing. its heart beats and it is showing brain waves before women usually even know they are pregnant.


Maybe if they could scream. That would change a few minds, don't you think? Maybe if they witnessed an abortion, as my boyfriend has?

Count your blessings not your curses - My Grandma

God bless John Paul II
