Is it really that bad?
Is it really that bad? What's wrong with it?
"I'm not interested in Saturn, I said Mars."
Is it really that bad? What's wrong with it?
"I'm not interested in Saturn, I said Mars."
No It isn't that bad, I quite enjoyed it, just dont go in expecting too much, remember its a kids movie with the emotional depth and plot intricacy of a Saturday morning cartoon and enjoy it as such, in fact I think they could easily spin off a half hour tv series from it.
The trouble with most critics on these boards is that they feel every movie should be a blockbuster and get very annoyed when one doesn't measure up to their standards, they forget that the B movie has always been Hollywoods bread and butter
'In order for one to be affected by insults, one must have some respect for their source'
you sir are a complete moron
u want kiddies saturday morning cartoon type film ?
well there are many many films that are this bad.
the incredibles comes to mind,
this film is really that terrible
its a good script with potential gone BAD,
why ?
1. the promotion made it sound like Sky High 2, its not, no school for superheroes, no training, (if u call paint throw at you trianing)
2. the film goes NO where for 1hr 20 mins, and the climax finishes in 2 mins
3. no characters or story worth speaking
This is YOUR LIFE and it is ending one minute at a time!