MovieChat Forums > Zoom (2006) Discussion > was it really that bad?

was it really that bad?

I haven't seen this movie, so I'd like to know. the preview doesn't look that bad, though. if you say it is bad, I'd like to know why.

I was tying to watch the ending of zoom on movie central, but for some reason the audio on that channel wasn't working. so i didn't really know what was going on. can someone explain the ending, as well? (it was the last 2 minutes of the film)


This movie is bad because the premise is ridiculous, the pacing is sloppy, and the special effects are lame. That and Cortney Cox blows...

Anyway, the ending basically involves Zoom running in circles, which apparently, can turn the bad guy good again. I missed the first 10 minutes or so of the movie so I don't know exactly why spinning around would anything of importance, but I guess it does.

It is a very crappy movie. Tim Allen brings shame to his entire film career by being in this film.


RANT - Are you 12? are you 6 years old..? THIS IS A FILM FOR CHILDREN you idiot and in that respect it works very well. My two sons enjoyed it... I endured it. Yes, it is not the greatest film in the world but I'd rather they watched this instead of some americanized candy floss disney *beep* You need to get over yourself big time because you are beginning to sound like some stone drunk Egbert who considers that anything made post-1980 is crap.

Try exercising that wedge of grey stuff between your ears and consider who the film is being aimed at before commenting on anything.


yeah, it works real well...if your kids have down syndrome. there was some "americanized candy floss disney crap" about superheroes that came out not too long ago. hailed as one of the great family movies of the decade. all computer animated. did fairly well at the theaters too, if i remember. little piece called The Incredibles. Maybe you've heard of it?


No it's not that bad at all. It's for kids and it's cute.


ok....i finally watched the movie myself. it was HORRIBLE! i know it's a kids movie but it was lamecore. special effects were lame. and kevin zegers is 30 yrs younger than tim allen in real life......and they dont look like brothers. altogether, bad concept, bad ending.


This movie lacks intelligence and a well thought out story. The jokes are either disgusting or just really dumb. I think I laughed once throughout the entire movie and this is supposed to be a comedy. Now since when is junk like this acceptable just because its aimed at kids?? Kids aren't stupid and saying that this movie is good for kids is an insult to their intelligence.


i don't but i thought it was ok.It was alot better then the shaggy dog


It had a lousey lame ending - just like they had given up (the producers that is). Once Concussion was made a good guy again (by Zoom running around making a vortex that would traps Concussion's powers and reverse them so he was good again - or some *beep* like that) he said 'sorry' and then instantaneously everyone was chatting and going off for lattees. Talk about not wrapping up the plot line, and yes I know it is a kid's movie, but really, they could've put in the effort.

Too dull for little kids, and too lame for those over about 7 years old.


It was a ridiculous premise, but actually not a bad movie. Certainly there's MUCH worse "superhero" movies out there, like that ridiculous pile of crap known as Mystery Men.

I'm pretty sure Freddie Mercury was spinning in his grave for a while because of Smashmouth's AWFUL cover of "Under Pressure", though.


Mystery Men was a much more innovative film, with great comedic timing. It was However geared for adults, and brought up some interesting thoughts for superhero movies. This film was a kids film, and even though it was, I got all the way through it with a few laughs. Yes, the effects could have been better, The powers of Mega boy should have been different I think, But it was nowhere NEAR the drivel that everyone said it was.

This movie would have worked better as a 1 hour kids tv series though. Who knows, maybe the owners of this movie will find new life in tv?




no,its not that bad.
