MovieChat Forums > Zoom (2006) Discussion > Disappointing - not as terrible as I was...

Disappointing - not as terrible as I was expecting.

An utterly bad film, certainly (it has Adam Rifkin's name on it and Chevy Chase in it, after all), but I was expecting a complete disaster, something on the level of "Son of the Mask" or "Master of Disguise". But it's just a bad, boring, stupid film. True, the wretched little insect that called itself "Princess" and that, unfortunately, did not get violently killed by the end of this flick was much worse than the baby in "Son of the Mask" or Torgo in "Manos", but overall, Zoom just didn't manage to bet awful enough to deserve being placed next to such antigems as "Cats and Dogs", "Inspector Gadget", "Son of the Mask" or "House of the Dead"... That's disappointing! I was hoping I'd see a hilariously bad film in Zoom, and I only saw a thoroughly bad one instead. Meh.


I agree with you totally.

The movie was weak - but not ***ultra*** weak. I've seen a heck of a lot worst; even in "family orientated" stories. This is more of a limp, cliched, Hollywood cookie-cutter type movie, rather than the abysmal trash that makes up the truly awful movies of history.

In not "Blechhh! Omigod, I wanna dig my eyes out! I feel so dirty!"; it's more "Meh, ho-hum. Been there, seen that. Nothing interesting here folks."

