MovieChat Forums > Zoom (2006) Discussion > Some math to help clear up a problem...

Some math to help clear up a problem...

As of my posting, there were 455 votes of "1", the worst possible rating for this movie, and a few slightly higher votes made by people who felt bad putting "1" because their kid laughed when they watched it and they feel bad because they spend all their time on these message boards instead of being good parents.

But then there was a mystery: 107 people voted "10", indicating that they feel this movie is on par with "Shawshank Redemption" and "Schindler's List"...

I must say that at first I was perplexed, but then I went through the cast and crew list and counted a total of 293 names (plus or minus a couple).


75% of the time people will either give a movie 10 or 1

i watch A LOT of movies but i only rate them i either give it a 1 or a 10 - thats just the way i am


I usually just ignore the 1's and 10's because people who vote so black and white don't deserve to be noticed.

"Time you enjoy waisting is not wasted time"


actually, i think many people gave this movie a '10' to pull up its overall rating, not because they thought it was a cinematic masterpiece.


The people who voted 10 don't want Zoom to be the number one worst movie. . . they did the same thing to Manos *sigh*.

"Somebody help me, I'm being spontaneous!" ~ The Truman Show


zoom isn't the worst movie. the editors did it no favors, and it didn't seem that it was a cinematic masterpiece to begin with, but the same can be said of a lot of movies, especially summer movies.

i personally liked zoom, and don't see why it was so widely panned. yes, i recognise its shortcomings. but i can name dozens of worse movies, most of which people have rated higher. for example, i'd rather watch zoom again than any of the police academy sequels...

it was a fun movie. we need more fun movies.


97% of all statistics are made up.
There's a 97% chance that this statistic was made up.

Internet users are not a reliable source of accurate representation.
We're all cynical, and we all think we're totally right about every
subject we choose to claim knowledge in.

Arguing with us is useless because, being otherwise faceless entities
in a world of other faceless entities, there is no accountability.

Ratings are opinions given by single persons. Ratings from cynical
internet people (myself included) are irrelevant, unless you're a
mindless slave to the media and/or medium of information you choose
to use.

Watch the movie, listen to the song, watch the t.v. show.
Evaluate it for yourself.

Then share your opinion with the world on the internet as if it's
the only possible opinion, and everyone else is a ****in' moron.

Right on!


> But then there was a mystery: 107 people voted "10",

Well, 107 isn't really a huge number. And, maybe some people do think this was a terrific movie. I mean, it does have all the elements of a good movie; it has comedy, cute kids, supernatural powers, danger, the good guys win, and so on.

Personally, I think that all those pieces were put together in the worst possible way, but maybe a few people liked the way it was put together. There is no accounting for taste.

"Music is a world within itself, with a language we all understand." - S. Wonder


Right-o bing. Just like: some people like Quentin Tarantinos film style and some don't. Yet, he's seen as a great 'artist'.

"Any last words, punk?"
"Yeah, your wife is good in bed."
"So, you're a liar, too?"


Quote: "indicating that they feel this movie is on par with "Shawshank Redemption" and "Schindler's List" "

When i vote a movie. I am thinking "what IS really WRONG whit this movie?"
If i only find a few "wrongs" or mistakes. I vote 8 9 or 10.
NOT that i think it is a "master piece" ...OK so Zoom is not the best movie i have seen, but just that i didnt see anything wrong with it. Only it took too long till they finaly got to fight, and the fight was too short. EXACTLY like TopGun.
1.15 h with training and 10 min of action.
And therefore, Zoom deserves a sequel, where there is tons of fighting scenes, and.... stuff.

Some spoilers, maybe:

If you want to waste 2 hours of movie time. See Starwars 3: RotS.
That movie is the worst SW movie i have ever seen. NOTHING happen.
Just 2 hours of stupid talk, and useless "battle" sceenes.
I waited almost 2 hours to see darth vader again.... and he only got 2 min of screen time, at verry end. That movie only got 1 from me.
Becouse i didnt see a starwars movie in that. The only SW in that, was someting that looked like lightsvord duels. Pointless movie.


lemme guess, you are the director of the film right?

u just compared this "Flawed" master piece to Top Gun and Star Wars episode 3

WOWW, now what ? bash LOTR and say this atleast had cute kids with big tummies?

i wont even try to defend Episode 3, its a TRUE masterpiece, an galactic epic saga, nothing wrong with that film,

whats wrong with zoom is that this could have been as good as Heroes, in script it had the potential to make it THE definative superhero film, and it wasnt 0.0001% near to that potential,

ZOOM is the worst superhero film i ahve ever seen... much worse that spiderman 3., and i thought that was hard to follow on suckage

This is YOUR LIFE and it is ending one minute at a time!


Further proof that democracy is a flawed system.


Alligatorjuice is right. If a movie is rated close to what I think it should be, I give the rating I think it deserves. Otherwise, I vote accordingly.

Semper Contendere Propter Amoram et Formam


There are always the randoms (like me) who are in love with a movie that everyone else hates. They watch the movie, fall in love with it (and in this case, Michael Cassidy), then decide its their favourite movie of the moment. They vote it a 10 (top of the page), move down, and Quel Horror everybody hates it. I gave this movie a 10 using those exact steps, lol.


I know whereof you speak. I, too, seem to like the unpopular movies. The Master of Disguise is a great example. I liked it very much, but it seems that the rest of the world did not. Oh, well... At least the film makers can rest assured that some people enjoyed their movies.

I really liked Zoom's Academy. It wasn't without its flaws, but few movies are. What I enjoyed most about this movie was that Chevy Chase got to prove that he's still funny.

Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine


haha i loved the fast blinking kid, then Dr Grant's like "Well, I am a little cooler"
