MovieChat Forums > Zoom (2006) Discussion > My only problem with the movie.

My only problem with the movie.

First off I enjoy a good family movie, and I believe this one delivered. However I did feel like the climax was... somewhat... anti-climatic.

Now I understand there is only so much "action" that a family movie can portray these days but I was really thinking that there would be more to the ending. But I feel that the movie could have put a bit more into the ending sequence to make it more exciting without moving up in ratings, look at the incredibles for example, that ending was good in my eyes.

It also seemed that as the movie went on, the acting got worse (mostly in the last 5 minutes or so), maybe it could be chalked up to the fact that Tim Allen was required to do the most acting at the end. Portraying a person that had lost a brother and then have him returned to him can't be easy, and they had to have a household name play the main character, but the ending just... tasted bad I guess.

Also Concussion's character did a good job acting evil, but once he "changed" it was toooooo on/offish.

Other than those complaints I would say it was a decent movie, it was nice to see Chevy Chase again as well.

Overall, the first 2/3rds of the movie I'd give a 7/10, the last third about a 4.5/10. For the entire movie, about a 6/10 would be fair I'd say but I believe that if the climax would have been better it could have scored about a 7.5-8/10.


You want anti-climatic. Read Queen of the Damned. Hundreds of pages of buildup and the climatic fight would fit on a postcard. Much as I like Ann Rice.

The movie could have been much much more. Along the lines of Sky High, Incredibles, or even Mystery Men. So much big talent not used. Allen should have been used more like he was in Galaxy Quest (a GREAT movie), and likewise the talents of Chevy Chase, C Cox, etc, were wasted.


I agree. The fight scene was lame and also it was too easy. Why didn't Tim Allen's character just run around his brother years before, why did it only work now. It really didn't make much sense


I agree..."Come on kids, let's play ball" isn't exactly how I'd start off a fight scene that lasts all of about two favorite part was seeing Micheal Cassidy and Kevin Zegers in the same shot for all of two seconds...and then there was seriously no "OMG" moment to the scene. It consisted of Cindy hitting Concussion with the huge w/e it was into the vortex Zoom was making and she hit him to where "Oh no! He's not gonna make it!" -Cindy, and instead of creating some drama by having him not be caught just yet...they just have Mrs. Skittles Breath blow him into it...woop--dee--doo.

Ive been dreaming of a true loves kiss and a prince Im hoping comes with this!


i liked the could have been a lot better had they explored how his brother had killed off the old team. the ending was really bad. no remorse at all....


I agree. Connor killed three of his team members, including Jack's girlfriend and the end was just like, "Oh, he's good now. Let's go!"

"But why is the rum gone?"


Yes but it wasn't because Connor's personality was bad and he was a bad person it was because of the Gamma radiation it changed him. It was the military to blame for the other team getting killed and turning Connor bad. I think the ending fight scene fit for that reason.

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