I love the scene when they put a body double in the sex scene with that hot chick. Also when hes in the restroom taking a crap and that guys keeps on bugging him.
I love the whole movie, especially when Perry has to gaurd the table of food and mole knocks it over, but I have to stop the tape and take a break during the scene where Mole's going to hit Perry with the red baseball bat because I'm laughing so much I have to catch my breath. This movie is awesome anytime I just want to laugh and feel good.
By far the best part was when Adam Carrola comes up in the gladiotor suit with the dog. Theres that uncomfortable part when Perry says he saw "THe Man Show" and ace says that the show was cancelled. Its so awsome, espeacially if you have ever listened to loveline.
Making him drink the crap from the blender the 2nd time, especially right before his "love scene".
His reply to has he ever had sex with a woman where he bit off her bra...."Many times,,,,many times".
"Hard as a, uh....diamond..cutter, or whatever".
The character names, all famous people that he doesn't even recognize (Roman Polanski, Travis Bickle, Susan B. Anthony, Burt Ward, Ansel Adams, John Quincy Adams).
After he insists on doing his own stunts because he thought he missed out on the sex scene, he's tied to the chair and thinks Mole is about to use the real baseball bat on him.
Watched this on Comedy Central a couple nights ago...laughed my ASS off! What an unbelievable DOUCHE this Perry guy is! Amazing!? I mean, "Susan B. Anthony?!!?!?!?!?!" C'MON MAN!!!!! I almost started to think it was all truly fake, like, he (Perry) was SOOOO good that he was, like, playing along to make it all seem and look real/fake/real or whatever. But, nope...the more I watched, the more I realized the truth...this guy is just a complete and utter MORON! God love him... "Many times...many times." Gotta love it! My one question is, after watching almost the WHOLE thing, I missed the part after they were headed to the "Premiere," so, how does it end? Do they ever tell the poor guy?! I'm dying to know!!! Someone PLEASE, clue me in to the ending of this masterpiece of a practical joke!
ps-- Gotta love the "Dane-Train" too! (Can I get an AMEN!) Only wish he had a bigger role in this thing!
He doesn't find out at all. It shows him riding off in the limo waving to all his "fans" in the end. I'm actually curious to know when he really did find out. That would have been priceless.
There are so many scenes that I love but the one that has me on the floor is the one with the bat. I start losing it when they began to explain which bat he needs to use for the scene, that sh!t is comedy gold.