Guilty pleasure

The subject line defines this movie for me- I'm watching it now, and despite the fact that I recognise that it's awful, I'm really rather enjoying it in a strange kind of way- but I won't be telling any of my friends :p


Agreed. Incredibly stupid film but oddly entertaining - and some of the special effects are first rate.


I just saw it, having expected it to be much worse than it was. I thought that the aerial scenes were good (and obviously very expensive). All I could think about while watching it was how expensive the aerial scenes much have several hundred thousand dollars per minute. LOL. The entire population of Burma could be fed on the craft services budget from this film. ROFL.

I'm glad I didn't see it in the theatre, but I don't think it was that bad. If you are in for expensively-shot mindless fun, this is your movie.

My advice for the studio is to lower the budgets for B-movie calibre scripts. Then any pleasure the studio execs get in watching it won't be quite so guilty. ;-)

Cheers to all.
