No helmet mounted display
The F/A-37 Talon (most likely a Generation 6 fighter in my opinion) may have had avionics far superior to existing Generation 4.5 fighter aircraft, whether U.S., European or Russian, and even the USAF's LM / Boeing F-22A Raptor yet it is missing a highly useful tool.
It does not have a helmet mounted display, or HMD.
The HMD is a device that projects flight information onto the pilot's visor or reticule and it is useful for cueing in heatseeking AAMs up to 90 degrees off boresight, the pilot no longer requiring to point the nose of his / her aircraft to lock on and fire, therefore extending the firing field of vision.
For more information:
So, why was the most advanced hypersonic naval stealth fighter, the F/A-37 Talon, NOT equipped with a Helmet Mounted Display?
Hope you can answer this one.