Story is nicked

The story for this film is stolen from Macross Plus.


Which was lifted from an old Star Trek episode entitled "The Ultimate Computer".


I'm glad that I'm not the only one who saw the similarities between this and Macross Plus.


And I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw the parallels between this and Star Trek's The Ultimate Computer.

Seriously, the whole AI going nuts theme is as old as science fiction itself.

Denny Crane.


You are right the AI taking over story has been around forever, and the M5 taking over the Enterprise is somewhat similar to Stealth and Macross Plus. However, there is an uncanny similarity between Stealth and Macross Plus that transcends the simple "AI goes crazy" plot line. First we have the cast, 2 guys and one girl, fancy planes, a rogue AI that controls a fighter jet and threatens all mankind.

The real kicker however is that he admits that Macross was his inspiration in an interview with Dark Horizons...


The word 'robot' comes from a Czech play called Rossum's Universal Robots, which was first staged in 1921. In RUR, as in Stealth and many other books and films, the robots rebelled against their human masters and attacked them.

Robots have been attacking and killing their human creators from the day they were first conceived of.


Nobody thought of "2001 a Space Odyssey"?



"2001: A Space Odyssey" was the first thing that popped through my mind when I originally watched this film. Basically this should just be retitled "Hal Flies a Plane". Put EDI (with his red lense) inside a rectangular container instead of a spherical one and you've got the character nailed. Even the voice is strikingly similar to Hal's (which was most likely intentional on the part of the filmmakers).


Anyone ever read 'Goliath' by Steve Alten? Basically the same thing, lighting bolt triggering the osycho-computer and all, with a submarine instead of a jet.


Get the hell outta here with that animie CRAP. You people from the east steal from the west not the other way round numnut!
