MovieChat Forums > Stealth (2005) Discussion > What I learnt from this movie

What I learnt from this movie

1) if you disobey orders and put lives at risk you are a 'maverick' and everyone still thinks you're cool.
2) if you kill an awful lot of North Korean soldiers destroy their bases there will be no political outcry because, well, they're not human are they?
3) Also if you are North Korean soldiers under attack from a fighter aircraft it will be sufficient just to send in one helicopter.
4) if you just wounded an enemy pilot in open area it is logical to send in one dog and not the helicopter you just got out of.
5) when the highly sophisticated AI system turns off its communications you can still talk to it by flying close by. Must have had tin cans and string as back up.
6) when ordered to shoot down the rogue aircraft and it suggests working together or it will be shot down by the enemy, go along with it rather than let the Russians do the job for you.
7) its possible to fly below 15 ft over towns and villages even tho the aircraft looks at least 6-10 ft high and it doesnt matter if you destroy a few houses because, well, see no 2.
8) Americans still believe smart bombs really mean smart and not "it will go in a roughly correct direction" and will fly thru a door and only kill those who you want it to. Not the school or hospital next door.
9) Americans are still chasing the "perfect" war where no US soldiers are harmed in anyway. Keep dreaming or keep you nose out of other countries!!

"You're human." "Barely, I'm a lawyer." Blade II


1º)you can blow a 50 floor building in the midlle of a crowed city withing "collateral damages"
2º)You can fly at macht 2 or maybe 3 at 10 metres in the middle of the same city and nothing will be affected by the sonic boom..
3º)Every ia cpu must have a lot of colored ligths.
4ºThunder lightins turn every ia cpu into evil..
5º)terrorist leaders love to celebrate meetings in empty buidings..
7º)the same terrorist are escorted by a lot of armored guys,to be visible of course..
8º)us army love to use real fire in a practice fly games,(no matter how much cost the bulles and trucks..)


9º)russian pilots never have time to eject,no matter if are veterans or not..
10º)THE SONIC boom didnt affect to rice fields in korea..
11º)North korean army guards looks in the opossite side of his border,
12º)Russians plane designers will copy titles of famous movies to nominate their new planes"su-37"terminator".
13º)Russians pilots will never recieve any funeral(6 kia)of couse they nerver have family..
14º)all black men love rap music...
15º)alaska airfields are ruled by mercs with a a lot of weapons.
16º)the black guy always dies by the most dumbest way.
17º)b.l.u bombs are indicated to disable nuclear bombs.
18º)radiactive clouds have brown colours..
19º)IA machines have suicide tendences,
20ª)if you see several korean women disarmed,dont use your gun..
21º)All us navy almirants have suicide tendences too..
22º)mohakw hairstyle are cool in north korea(more if you are an oficial)
23º)never tell a machine "show me respect".
24º)girls in navy uniform will never get a date in a disco.
25º)mynyamar goverment will not get angry for his violation of his airspace..


26º) After crashing, and being shot by a large calibre rifle, you can still run miles and miles in the right direction to a border.
27º) After running all that way, you will be able to aim one handed with a short range weapon, and hit targets far away.
28º) North Koreans can't shoot for sh-t
29º) Your saved when two f15's turn up, because they can land in a wooded area and take on passengers.
30º) Your face will get cut, even when wearing a helmut and glass over it which doesn't break.
31º) When lying low in a hostile country, go to populated areas where people will spot you.
32º) Being put on answering phone means your demoted.
33º) Plane fuel will float in the same place in the air for ages.
34º) Fit girls go peepee.
35º) Pilots eat green apples only.

‘If lil red ridin hood shows up with a bazooka and a bad attitude, I expect you to chin the bitch.’



40º)Russian militar only will send 3 planes agains an evil machine who invades their air space.
41º)In future us air force will have big zepellins invading others countries airspace..
42º)In future dogfights are esential,no matter if planes can fight "beyond the horizont".
43º)russian MIlitary prefers send 3 planes against invaders instead of use their sam missiles
44º)Russians squads are former only with 3 planes
45º)you are "safe"only crossing the nort korea line,no matter that beyond that line there are the biggest camp of mines of the world.
46º)us navy pilots love to date with brainless models..
48º)the best way to transport nuclear heads is in bull carts.
49º)warlord of turmekistan are able to buy stingers,scud launchers,a lot of ak and aaa guns,but not apc to transport nuclear heads..
50º)Of course instead of send a delta team to recover the heads,us nave prefers to send a mad machine to blow nukes
51ª)In future us navy planes will have a computer to calculate "collateral damages".


52. Jets of the future get really great gas milage

53. Disobeying a direct order and leveling a building in a foreign country is a great way to get an all expense paid trip to Thailand.

54. The most advaced artificial intelligence prototype in the world can be repaired in a matter of minutes by a completely unprepared scientist with no tools.

55. "The lightning strike must have rewired it" is one of the most insanely idiotic sentences I have ever heard.

56. The elite of the US military need Jamie Foxx to explain to them what a prime number is. I guess they didnt cover second grade arithmetic at Annapolis.

57. Freefalling for several hundred feet directly into a pine tree will not kill you, nor disable you enough so that you cant outrun the North Korean army.

58. On the list of things I never thought I would hear a woman say, "Pardon my C cups" is pretty high up there. But I guess it happens.

59. When Russia learns of an imminent airstrike on one of their facilities, they will send exactly 3 jets to intercept. If those get shot down they will give up.

60. The border between North and South Korea is guarded by 3 men, a machine gun, and a chain link fence. Not a problem for Jessica Biel who can hit them from 200 yards away with a one handed burst from an Uzi.

61. Flight suits contain no survival gear of any kind. if you punch out over an unfriendly country, you are on your own.

62. This movie made my IQ drop about 10 points in the course of 2 hours.


63. There surely aren't floating airships full of fuel, that when a pipe is cut just continue to drop fuel everywhere instead of having an emergency shut off

64. Theres so many more points but i'm that infuriated after watchin this film that i'd rather coat my genitals in honey and dip them in a beehive than discuss it any further and cause my IQ to drop further.

"The Master"



72ºJessica Biel has a great ass..
73ºJessica Biel has more muscles than jaime foxx.
74ºFor navy politicy is bad to date with members of your same rank...
75ºThe IA modem is so powerful that he could take photos of a simple mynyamar camera..


76. Computer programmers will create a visual display of a computers "brain activity" rather than just displaying the code being executed. I'm guessing they did this just in case the computer went crazy and started to "think" for itself.

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Isn't it AI? Artificial intelligent.

Don't *beep* a *beep*...wait! beep? It was meant to say *beep*. *beep*!! not beep!...*beep


- Black guys must die first. Always.

- A computer that can process bits in terraseconds can be matched in between the mountains while the guy is talking to his co pilots at the same time.

- Computers feel "SORRY" (AWWWWWWW)

- A billion dollar aircraft isn't equipped with grounding effects for lightning. When Air Asia aircrafts have it.

- America will always win against Russia in movies. But in reality its always a different story no matter how much money is spent by US on military gadgets.

- North Korean government won't rebel against their borders being torn apart because the Americans are mourning over a pilots death on a damn ship.

The most important thing:

- only really good looking people who disobey orders and rebel during missions against the commander can fly the state of the art aircrafts in US.


(1) No matter how many humans you wantonly kill, it's always a necessity to show the viewers that at least the dog wasn't killed.

(2) No matter how eye-bleedingly awful a movie is, it can be somewhat redeemed by gratuitous shots of Jessica Biel's ass crawling through a swamp in tight black pants!

(3) Airplanes can be the hero and do the right thing.

(4) Always make certain that you leave the option open for a sequel (the plane showing "I'm not dead yet.")


*you can make a phone call to Alaska and have a pesky pilot executed.

*the said pilot will know he is in grave danger and foil the execution

*pilots don't have to pee unless they are at a bar

*long range weapons won't take off your arm

*when court marshalling an officer, it is a good idea to give him a minute alone

*you can have all the data erased from a computer without it being sent somewhere else


U.S super-stealthy planes have the biggest, hottest, brightest jet exhausts in the world, ever. Thus presenting the worlds biggest I.R target and making a mockery of the rest of the plane's 'stealthy bits'. (Just look at the exhausts of REAL stealth A/C to compare). But it looks cool I suppose.

U.S Navy pilots can say "I have two blue ferrets" without laughing.

"Everbody in the WORLD, is bent"


78) The USN can now add *beep* movies to their credentials (you know, on top of *beep* TV Ads)
79) The USAF and partnering contractors hired one guy, namely Keith Orbit, to completely write an AI for the F-22 Raptor all by his lonesome (that the F-22 has AI - you know, not described in any other fashion other than the acronym - is simply amazing and we must keep the Russians and Chinese from finding out more about it)
80) That Sam Sheperd, Jaime Foxx and Josh Lucas will do anything for money (I'd have other "projects" in mind for JB)
81) That a shadowy figure is secretly pulling the strings on everything in Washington DC (no wait, that's true)
82) That a majority of the English speaking world is so ignorant that the borders of every country needs to be overlayed on widescreen shots of the globe
83) A reflective gold/champagne is a nice color I would want to paint a Stealth aircraft
84) JB really has a nice ass and a great set out tits...really superb. Gold standard for all you bullemics and anorexics that thin is not in


Thai girls are extremely easy to pick up despite an awkward and odd greeting.
For free apparently.


Yeah, that was what I picked up. Makes 'em about as stealthy as a B-52 with a blip enhancer and someone dumping bags of chaff out the window.

Other things we learnt:

You should make sure to deploy your missiles from the internal bays a good 30 seconds before launching them so that the bad guys can get a good missile lock on you in case they've overlooked your enormous honking IR signature.

Fighter jets take off from aircraft carriers four abreast and within two seconds of each other.

Half a dozen commandos with small arms can take out a top secret nuclear missile silo. Oh, sorry, that was Behind Enemy Lines II.

Jessica Biel in a frock can make grown men gnaw through furniture.


Night falls from West to East (daytime in Philippine Sea, 2hrs west to nighttime Rangoon, then back east to nighttime Philippine Sea)


One through nine seem to be on target but:

10) Jessica Biel's ass will make you hesitate on hitting the eject button.


Radioactive dust clouds can jump over Afghanistan.

Chinese airspace is completely open.

USN pilots are more than happy to potentially spark WWIII to rescue their girlfriends.

USN pilots are more than happy to potentially spark WWIII to prevent the rogue plane they are chasing been shot down by jet fighters defending their airspace.

USN pilots think it's a good idea to head back to their carrier by taking a several hundred mile dog leg detour passing over a major world power not aligned with the USA and then over the US's most paranoid implacable foe.

It's possible to steal huge chunks of the plot of several films and TV programs, and only make one film.

When attempting to murder a serving officer in your own military, it's best to send a couple of dozen blokes to just about the most remote part of your country. It's doesn't really matter about limiting the number of people who know about an act of murder (and treason?) - (Or possibly it was the home base of USG murder Inc. Would explain the hidden weapon cache and lack of non-murderenos about the place.)

Terrorist cells are happy to meet up, despite it seeming to negate the entire point of a cell based organization.

The USN thinks it worth committing a potential act of war against an unfriendly but not actively hostile (though I suppose things might have changed in the future) nation, and potential risk huge collateral damage to kill a few pretty stupid terrorists.

It is possible to spend huge sums of money on a truly crap movie, and yet not realize it, (or possibly have total contempt for your audiences intelligence) and put in a blatent "room for a sequel" moment.




-Who said that dictatorship is bad? Rangoon is a futuristic city, with more lights than Tokyo, Las Vegas and NY put together.
-The optics has now such an advance that a fingerprint can be photographed instantly from a distance of hundred miles. Another terrorist has never go in his life at the oculist, but the US Navy have already his retinal print.
-The missiles, on the other side, are not so well developed. The attack of the Tajikistan fortress requires the planes to come closer to the target, so they can be hit by bullets.
-The plane computers can detect 1000 "mammals" at the impact area, but are not capable to determine if they're humans or not.
-The refueling airships of the near future looks like a cross between the Nostromo ship (from Alien), a steampunk zeppelin and the International Space Station.
-The dropped fuel won't fall to the ground, it will stay in the air and will form greenish puffy clouds.
-In the future the onboard small fires cannot be extinguished. You need a low pass over a lake and a buddy in front of you will detonate a bomb in the water.
Avoid the hangover, stay drunk.


US's latest stealth technology is not good enough to evade North Korea's radars. It is better to fly close to the deck and risk being spotted by people on the ground, as well as destroying a few houses.

US top pilots are also ellites in gun fighting.

Women need to go "p p".

Studying the latest technology while playing pop music is cool.

Commanders expect nothing less than perfect on US Navy pilots.

Billion dollar warplanes are vulunerable to lightning strikes, given the fact that on average a commercial jet gets a lightning strike once every year.

US's warplanes have the power to go to Mach 4 in a matter of seconds but doesn't have the power to out fly Russian fighter jets.

Only unmanned aircrafts are capable of vertical takeoff and landing.

In the future there will be an enormous fuel tank flying at the edge of space like a space station. Fuel is always transported to the pipe that connects the refueling funnel, no matter if it is destroyed.

The latest computers always have colorful lightings on them.

Instead of sending in Special Forces to neutralize the nuclear weapons, it is better to destroy them using bombs.

Security cameras in the streets also have microphones. The microphones are high quality enough for you to do a voice analysis on any body you see.

Security cameras also have resolutions high enough for you to analyse their eyes and their fingerprints.

It is okay to fly supersonic in the middle of a city without any body detecting you. After all, it's a stealth aircraft.


No to all your rubbish points!
