Take a bow 'Iron Eagle'
You have been relieved from your spot as the worst military "plane/pilot" themed film in history. This is no small feat for your incredible suckiness has carried on for 20 years. But records are meant to be broken, which happens to be a line from your successor, and that film is 'Stealth'.
This film is bad, so bad that I actually love it. Like Iron Eagle, Stealth has a real charm to it that makes you wanna watch it over and over (especially with friends) just cause its too damn funny to ignore. Everything is so over the top, you can't help but smirk and laugh throughout. It's also fun to point out all the scenes and moments that are blatant rip-offs from other films, i.e. J lucas and the scientist talking about the threat of "EDY" a la '2001'. And that name EDY, might as well have called it "SAM" (Strategic Aeronautical Machine), but they can save that one for the sequel.
Iron Eagle I salute you tenure, but there's a new sheriff in town.