Voice of EDI

Does anyone else think that Wentworth Miller was the best choice for the voice of EDI. I think that Wentworths voice was the best that they could have chosen. Congrats to the casting director on that one.!!!!

"Definitions belong to the definers, not the defined"


He did do a really good job.


his voice is really sexy,

I didn't watch the movie but love Wentworth miller haha..

So just a question what was/is the/an EDI?


someone knows it?


the voice of the knight rider car would have been better


He said though he wasn't in or had anything to do with stealth on the Good Day LA news show.


The Knight Rider car,known as KITT,was voiced by William Daniels,who also played as Mr.Feeny in Boy Meets World.


I don't know whether he was or wasn't in it but the technology to completely render human voices without a human has existed for many years now. It is entirely possible that the site lists no one as the voice for EDI simply because there IS no one to list for the credit.


Wentworth Miller was not in the movie as such.. he was the voice of the artificial intelligence plane.. so he went to a studio recoreded him speaking the lines and thats that look at his profile its says that he was the voice of edi


Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the computer-to-computer exchange of structured information, by agreed message standards, from one computer application to another by electronic means and with a minimum of human intervention.

I think...




You are correct, BrynTheSkits, except that in the context of this movie it stands for "Extreme Deep Invader".


His name is listed in the end credits as the voice of EDI

Talon 3, that was sh!t hot! Josh Lucas Lt. Ben Gannon, Stealth
Peace, love and hairgrease


It was a good voice, and in a way, sounded like HAL from 2001.



He sounded so much like Hal, I had to make sure it wasn't Douglas Rain.

BTW, the dialoug even sounded a lot like the dialouge between Hal and Dave. It got me thinking about how much Stealth was like 2001: A Space Odyssey. Luckily the pace was way different. But, you have the basics a computer hell bent on saving the mission. The treat of shutting the computer down, in Hal's case was to be shut down. Whether it is stated or not, I believe that the dialouge similarity and the voice similarity were no accidents.


i think they shouldve cast kiefer sutherland, he does great voice-over work.

-c if i care, at least noone thinks IM gay-(not that theres anyth wrong w/ that- seinfeld)


Kiefer Sutherland did great voice acting in Phone Booth.


is it just me or EDI's voice just sounded like Sonny's in I, Robot?


all robots sound the same

btw Kiefer Sutherland ROX


I think they should have gotten Pee-Wee Herman. He did a really good job in Flight of the Navigator.


This thing must have been much better without voice. While I was watching this I couldn't help thinking of KITT from Knight Rider. LOL.



Who did the voices of the Talon fighters?
