Jessica Biel is sexy with a submachine gun
STEALTH was worth watching just to see the shapely Jessica Biel in her blue bikini.
It's even more sexier watching Jessica Biel scrambling all over the mountainsides of North Korea like a female Rambo, in her tight nomex flight pants and her tight black pull-over shirt. Biel conveniently jettisoned her nomex flight jacket so we could all admire her feminine physique, even though that would leave her unprotected in the cold north Korean nights. It's even three times sexier to watch gorgeous Jessica Biel, bleeding from assorted wounds and just sucking it all up, brandishing a Heckler Koch submachine gun, outwitting and outgunning all those nasty, evil North Korean Asian bad guys. Biel even clears a North Korean watchtower of the bad guys with her 9mm submachine gun from 150 meters, even though the baddies are firing back with AKM assault rifles and one of them is manning a crew-served 14.5 mm, Russian-designed heavy machinegun. Fellow fighter pilot and wannabe boyfriend, Josh Lucas shows up in the nick of time, flying the rogue UCAV, scaring away a nasty North Korean conveniently all-black german shepherd guard dog, and finally blowing away the conveniently evil and sinister-looking Asian officer, played by Jason Lee sporting a U.S. Marine high-and-tight haircut, using a German-built G36 assault rifle, short-barreled version, with a grenade launcher attached underneath. Odd that the U.S. Navy pilots are all using foreign-built small arms. I probably attribute all of Jessica Biel's enormously appealing feminine charms to her mixed ethnic ancestry which includes native American Indian. I for one, am tremendously grateful that Ms. Biel long ago decided adamantly to cast off her girlish goody image that Hollywood execs kept trying to pigeonhole her into.
NICE TREAT for those of you who watch the ending credits to the very end. There's a cut-away shot to the crash site where the UCAV deliberately rammed the North Korean assault helicopter. Strewn amidst the pieces of wreckage, the camera streams in on the cylinder-shaped memory CPU of the UCAV. Borrowing from the Terminator franchise, you see a red light turn on at the head of the CPU, alluding that it's still active.