MovieChat Forums > Stealth (2005) Discussion > Is it just me or is that the same plane ...

Is it just me or is that the same plane from 'Fire Fox:' with Clint

Eastwood from the 80's

the switchblades look exactely like it.


LOL, no not a chance! Firefox took place in 1982 while Stealth was
set in 2005 the same year the movie was released. So of course
Clint Eastwood's film took place over twenty years earlier than
this aviator film. I couldn't help but laugh!

Lawrence Sunny California

Call me a sailor or a swabby just don't call me a squid!


by acecrisp-1 » Sat Jul 13 2013 21:11:38
IMDb member since January 2006
Eastwood from the 80's

the switchblades look exactely like it.

You're joking, right?


Firefox's plane is very reminiscence of the XB-70 Valkyrie combines with a F-117 Knighthawk. Which is appropriate, as all three are of the same time period.

The F-37 Falcons are a wacky combination of the Sukhoi Su-37 and T-50, with some of the Boeing X-29 thrown in. EDI is a variety of super-stealth prototypes.

The Firefox plane design is practical, if the performance being wildly overstated (and the thought-control system pure SciFi).

The F-37s are pretty much impossible, because the design is massively ungainly, not to mention aerodynamically stupid. Reverse-forward swept wings provide very high maneuverability, but the ludicrous size of the main body would completely screw this up. Not to mention the major problems with making such a plane carrier-capable. And the variable-geometry would over-weight something designed to super-cruise.

EDI is even worse, combining vertical thrust with high-supersonic capability and (once again) a completely stupid airframe.
