Any body else with me on this?
Honestly, I'm tired of women complaining that they don't hold roles in movies equal to men. I instantly started to dislike the movie as soon as I found out one of the 3 out of the 400 elite pilots that made it into the program, was a female. I'm sorry, They obviously did that for one reason: So there would be a romanticism amongst the pilots. And maybe even to shut up the feminist bimbos who would cry about how women don't play a big enough role in the movie. And man was she annoying when she ejected out of her plane and was falling towards the ground, i was hoping one of the falling debris would knock her unconscious. I may sound sexist to you, but for the record I'm not. I'm also tired of a lot of traits male characters hold as well. It's just this is so typical and cliche in movies, about how no matter what,there's gotta be a white dude, a black person, and a female. If there were four pilots, i bet it would've been a Hispanic or Asian person. Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just it's hard to find the right word.....but do you know what i mean?
"Negative, I am a meat popsicle"