He was a bit of a phony -- like the real estate agent Miller(think that was his name)
Platzer 'lost ten years' of his law practice from partying. He doesn't have an office nor a family. And, he is very unsure of his chosen proffession.
His climatic statment is about how glad he was for going to law school to be able to help the mother and daughter.
He's just a common schmuck who has been lost in the big city. And, for the most part, lieing is cheap, easy and inviting when there is so much to win or loose in terms of image.
When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself as public property - Thomas Jefferson
The guy was most likely another client - as the car was his office. :)
The point was to create a vivid first impression of this lawyer character. Most movies never seem bothered with breathing life into small scenes like this. This film did. Appreciate it.
What was the purpose of showing the husband meeting with the 2 teenagers? I believe it showed them again at the very end when Dahlia is walking with her lawyer.
Everyone in this movie is so damaged and unloved. Platzer makes up a story about his office, but this is a lie, he doesn't have an office, he works out of his car. His normal clients are scumbags so he isn't doing anything heroic by defending them. At first he tells Dahlia that the earliest he can meet her is next week, then it gets shortened to Sunday, at first he won't talk to her when she calls, but then he ends up meeting her. Bit by bit his reluctance to get involved crumbles until he is checking on her at her apartment and pushing the landlord to fix her apartment. It is by caring for another person that he finally finds some meaning in his life.
This is a pretty big theme throughout the movie. These people desperate for love after being abandoned, and pretty much every character in the movie has been abandoned, finally find love only when they sacrifice for others.
I agree with all that. But Im not sure they handled it well or correctly. He does all this stuff for her, basically swoops in and becomes super lawyer and makes everything better. And then she dies anyway. And we never see him again. And it felt like they were taking his character to a point where his relationship to hers was significant. But it ends up feeling like he was just a prop character that starts to get developed and then bam you never see him again. It left me wondering how her death effected him.