The film was overall good, but comparisons are inevitable.
Even as a standalone movie, the scares are minimal and the ones shown are not very effective nor all that scary. Further, you can see the twist/end a mile away and it was very forced.
Now, the Japanese one, a whole different story.
Not only is scarier, eerier and creepier, it's actually filmed better, scored better (music and soundtrack), and was sadder all at the same time.
As for acting... well as far as it goes for the girl, the Japanese one was more convincing. As for the mother, Jennifer actually did a pretty bang up job, but unfortunately her efforts were hindered by a weaker script.
She deserved better, and I can see her delivering even better had they stuck with the original script and done it at a 1:1 reproduction.
Many haven't seen the original dark water, and I believe this one would've worked if it were more identical in structure and script.
One of the biggest mistake they've done is give the 'girl' a face and lines, while in the original it's more of menacing faceless shadow that only says 'Momma' in some creepy pitched up and nunatural way.