MovieChat Forums > Hide and Seek (2005) Discussion > The ending destroyed the film..

The ending destroyed the film..

It was a very good thriller for 90 minutes but when we find out the truth I was like "Oh, come on!"... And it went downhill from there.. This film had potential, I liked the performances but the ending destroyed it. 5/10

"What's the name of the farm next to the Hill house?"


I liked the premise but not the twist and the ending. I didn't think Dakota Fanning's character would have behaved like that knowing what she knew. I even rewatched the film to see if it made sense but I didn't find it at all credible

I think this was a case of a writer trying too hard to be clever


absolutely you said it

No Justice Just Us


I agree, the ending made No sense out of the whole previous 90 minutes. There were too many moments when it would have been impossible for RD to be Charlie...and if he'd smothered his wife, it would've come out in the autopsy (that they would have performed on a suicide) that she didn't bleed to death.

Potential, with zero delivery.



the little girl was as nuts as her dad. to bad her dad didn't blow her head off in the cave. DF did a wonderful job with that part.


whouldnt her dad's death traumatize her? i think thats how she gets her secret twin at the ending.


What about her mother's death? More horrible than the psycho dad, you'd think that would be worse.

I'm not locked in here with you..You're locked in here with me


maybe with both of parents dead she finally went nuts
