Did Emily know?

This may seem like a dumb question, but I haven't seen the movie so...yeah. Anyways, did Emily know that her dad was actually Charlie?

Eric Matthews-"I married a moose. We don't need counseling.-"Boy Meets World


She knew. Remember the scene with the alarm clock in the hallway?

Be kind. Rewind.


I think she knew but she's only a little girl and when you're young, you believe stuff you're parents tell you i.e. Santa's not real

When her dad said he was Charlie, she probably thought it was a game. That is, untl Charlie went pysco.

I kissed Bella. And she broke her hand. Punching my face.


"Charlie" pretended he was a whole other person and not David. Remember the scene where we finally see that it's David? He says to her "It's ok Daddy's gone"
So i'm guessing that's what he said to her whenever he became "Charlie" and being a nieve little girl she beleived it.
