MovieChat Forums > Hide and Seek (2005) Discussion > What was causing him to have split perso...

What was causing him to have split personality?

What was causing Robert De Niro to have split personality? Was it genetic? Did it have anything to do with life in the past? Was it something else?


I looked up what causes multiple personalities. From what I heard,it is caused by a horrible/frightening event in someones life:

It says most with this disorder suffered from sexual or physical abuse as a child so Deniro's character probably had it before only no one really knew about it and then the night his wife cheated on him,the personality reared up again and killed her in the tub.


David did mention how he wanted Emily to have a better childhood than he had. That alone doesn't necessarily mean terrible things happened to him, but combined with the MPD and what you just said about how most people with MPD got it from traumatic childhood experiences, that line could be a hint.

"Couldn't care less" = "don't care at all"
"Could care less" = "care at least a little"


I think it was since the moment he discovers his wife is cheatting on him.Suddenly,David realizes he has been living a lie and that is what makes him to drive mad.The fact of being betrayed by his wife makes David to have split personality.He doesn't take good that and his minds goes mad..

Jimmy Doyle and his orchestra
