
When Charlie pushes the psychiatrist down the stairs at the end and she grabs the gun, the sheriff's hand moves implying he isn't dead but then they just don't show him or speak of it again. What was the deal with this?


He was just so badly injured he couldn't get up again. But it means he survived the encounter. Personally, and this is just me, I think it showed he survived so that we could understand that Famke Janssen's character (forgot her name) would have a witness to explain to the police why she had shot David, that he had gone insane and it was a self-defense killing. Then again, there's also the neighbor, but still.

"Couldn't care less" = "don't care at all"
"Could care less" = "care at least a little"


Off topic, the sheriff was quite handsome.

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. -Edison


Strange and fun fact, the actor who played the sheriff was a pedophile in Happiness. lol.

After seeing Happiness I can't stand to look at his face, an image of him j*cking off to little boy magazines in the back of his car and him talking to his younger son about masturbation and how he wanted to 'touch' him keeps playing in my mind. Great actor though, you can see he has definutely left an impression on me, his scenes have molested me and I still haven't recovered.


Oh, wow. I never saw Happiness. It takes a brave actor to play such a negative character in a movie. But please don't hold it against the actor himself!!!

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. -Edison
