A huge clue in the movie noticeable for second time viewers
In the middle of the movie when David turns the stove on to heat the kettle you see him leave the room for maybe 20 seconds and then when he returns the water is boiling and overflowing telling you that the stove has been on for a while, not just a minute.
The first time I saw this movie I didn't pick up on it because I wasn't sure who the killer was. I'm not the type who comes on these boards AFTER seeing a movie and pretending that it was "obvious" who the killer was. No one knows for sure who the killer is during a first time viewing. You THINK you know, or have a hunch or you GUESS the killer. But you do not know.
But the stove scene tells you something. Charlie had gone up and visited Emily right after David turned the stove on. We can assume he's up there for 10-20 minutes and then he changes back over to David and since he has no memory of things he assumes it has only been a minute since he put the kettle on. Clever, but only something you can notice on a second viewing. It wouldn't register on the first one