Def. Why are people confused by this. He had hinted at having a horrible childhood himself, so for him, it was probably a combo of a genetic predisposition to (dissociative identity disorder) DID and thus had some kind of trauma(s) as a kid that set his off. So, she's like her dad, and was definitely traumatized enough by the end of the movie to bring it on, lol. So her DID-ness got triggered as well, and yes the double head suggests she has an alternate personality now too. And of course, seeing how it went with the dad, her other alternate could eventually be violent.
Someone asked, why was she aware of her alternate and not him. I don't know what was up with him, but people with DID can be aware of their alternate personalities.
I don't know that DID is fully explained by science in real life, but the way the movie played out, seemed to subscribe to the belief that it is combination of both genetic vulnerability factors and environmental traumas setting it in motion.