MovieChat Forums > Hide and Seek (2005) Discussion > The neighbor couple: loose end?

The neighbor couple: loose end?

We early on are made to suspect that there is something suspicious about the couple living next door, especially the husband. When David brings the apple pie over, the wife breaks down and talks about how her husband is 'struggling' and that he is making things so 'hard and painful' . She then refuses to elaborate. What was that all about? It would seem that scene would have some sort of purpose or meaning? Or was it just put there to distract and mislead us from the upcoming twist?

Would like to be filled in if anyone caught up on anything I happened to miss.


It was just an attempt to throw people off and make you believe the neighbor was possibly involved. It was totally stupid, because it was obvious what the ending was going to be.

"Can I please speak to someone who didn't come to this country on a floating door?!"



Yup, the ending was blindingly obvious right from the start... and the neighbours were only a red herring. I think (from memory, I haven't seen it in a while) the neighbours lost a daughter to cancer or something (?) so I'm assuming their strange, sad behaviour was due to grief.



Sucks to be you then.


It was meant to mislead us. But what it was all about was the fact that they were both facing this huge emotional trauma of losing their child. They spent who knows how long their daughter was sick for, which is hard enough, then going through the pain of losing her. People handle things differently--it's clear the wife was handling it better than the husband was. He was harmless, just not all there in the head.



It was a red herring but I also think that the male neighbour might have thought something was up with David early on (because he probably saw him acting like Charlie even before that time he saw him come out of the woods with a shovel)


That's what I was thinking too. The male neighbour suspected something weird was going on with David, and the wife probably thought her husband was just imagining Emily was in danger, out of grief from losing his own daughter.


That makes sense!

"Couldn't care less" = "don't care at all"
"Could care less" = "care at least a little"



That's exactly what I thought as well. I actually find of all the red-herring characters in this film, their behvaiour is the most justified. The creepy cop and even creepier estate agent (or whatever he is) are just creepy for the hell of it i.e. to throw the viewer off. Lazy writing.

This is one of those films I really like even though I know, objectively, it isn't very good (largely due to the unoriginal ending). A guilty pleasure essentially. You can't write it off as worthless though because it has an awesomely creepy premise (which unfortunately doesn't pay off), great cinematography and set design, another fantastic score from John Ottman (probably my favourite thing about this film), and of course, Daktoa Fannings amazing performance. It really is a shame about the 'twist'.

Veronica why are you pulling my dick?
