MovieChat Forums > White Chicks (2004) Discussion > Is this harmless fun as compared to the ...

Is this harmless fun as compared to the VA politicians? Or a double standard?

I'm not keen about the black face business in Virginia, but young men act stupid routinely. If they aren't openly promoting racism and segregation and hatred, I'd just as soon give them a pass for past youthful indiscretion. (That third VA guy is a different subject.)
As far as this movie goes, I doubt anyone thinks of it one way for another, and I admit I have no interest in ever seeing it, but it sure seems like a double standard if it's o-k for the Wayans to dress in white face but not some dopey white guys to go black for a party.
What do others think?


Ah, so every time one of these stories pops up you’ll bring up this false equivalency to make your bigot self feel better. Of course. Did I step out of line with that last sentence? Well, it’s difficult not to make “unfair” assumptions in topics like this—best not to stoop others’ level right? Unavoidable after seeing so many boards being brought down by those that complain nonstop (and not so fairly) about actors, movies and their identity politics. So many of these Hollywood liberal-hating hypocrites demean basically ANYONE who rightfully speaks out against nothing but hate. With that in mind, how should I give you the benefit of the doubt in a questionable thread like this? But I digress.

White face? Wow, yeah. That is an issue that’s getting out of hand and has a long history! (Especially when it’s been done with awareness and humor). Black face, on the other hand, has for hundreds of years been a real thing that has been far more insulting and demonizing to a race of people than something like White Chicks has. It’s called history.

But clearly that’s not what you want to be told, so just check what’s trending. Nearly every other board on this place, particularly actor boards, has true propagandists like yourself whining 24/7.


Where'd you come from? You're calling me a bigot? I'm not trying to get anywhere, I asked a question. False equivalency, bigot self feel better, of course. Shit, people like you feel so superior with your bullshit internet know it all bullshit. I don't give a shit about the your false equivalency and response to hundreds of years of insult and history. Maybe black should just lynch some whites for good measure, bet that'd make you happy. Look, don't bother following with your garbage posts. There are a lot of more thoughtful people I'd like to discuss things with, dipshit!


White face? Wow, yeah. That is an issue that’s getting out of hand and has a long history! (Especially when it’s been done with awareness and humor).

Who gives a shit if there isn’t a long history behind it? I personally don’t care about black face OR white face. I’ve enjoyed The Wayans brothers comedy since way back when I was a little kid watching “In Living Color”. I’ve never seen this movie...just didn’t look like anything I wanted to watch.

The history behind black face doesn’t change the fact that it’s a double standard. If it’s racist for white people to do black face, why isn’t it racist for black guys to do white face? Racism should be racism to the perpetually offended regardless, but I know it only goes one way to them. It should go both ways if you want equality. You can’t just pick and choose depending on which race does it...because that is the definition of racism. Some of you are so goddamn dumb it makes my head hurt. 🤦🏻‍♂️

I think Billy Crystal’s Sammy Davis Jr. impression is just as harmless and in good fun as Shawn and Marlon being “White Chicks.” Yet one is considered racist and the other isn’t? Get out of here with that garbage.


I don't think it takes a degree in Sociology to understand that Black people poking fun at White assumptions is funny while While people poking fun at Blacks is repugnant. We are not Equal currently, and White people should be able to take a well-deserved elbow to the ribs at how ridiculous we have been in the very recent past.
I am not outraged by Billy Crystal and whatever his Sammy shtick was. Probably made sense at the time and was done with a certain amount of affection. But when we know we are stepping over boundaries of good taste, you had better be ready to take the heat.


You can't ever expect equality unless you practice equality. So long as blacks live by their own double standard where for example its fine for blacks to say nigger but a complete taboo for anyone else to say it, well that proves that their is no equality. This same thing applies to blackface, whiteface, brownface or whatever other face you want to have. If it is going to be looked at as some high offense for someone to have ever been caught doing blackface in the past then it must also be considered just as bad if someone else was doing it to poke fun at whites, or asians or whoever.

From my perspective I don't give a a shit whether someone does whiteface, blackface or whatever in a movie.. if it is funny then its funny... but if these cancel culture cunts want to avoid being hypocrite then you have to cancel blacks that do whiteface.




I'm not going to call you a bigot, as DracTarashV2 has done. From my few encounters with you on these boards, you strike me as sincere and fundamentally decent.

However, what I will say is that, irrespective of the unnecessary personal insults, DracTarashV2 has a point.

'Whiteface' is hardly a problematic historical phenomenon on par with 'blackface'. 'Blackface' and minstrel performances, some of which were performed by African-Americans darkened up even further to play grotesque caricatures of their race, for the amusement of predominantly white audiences, has a shameful and disturbing history. In many instances, black performers were barred from various events and displays, including the Miss America beauty pageant, except as a 'comic' troupe of minstrels, occasionally wearing fake chains in order to simulate slavery. And in practically all cases, blackface was intended to demean black people, robbing of them of their agency, and upholding repugnant racial fallacies that held black people to be 'less intelligent'.

Unlike 'whiteface', 'blackface' is a case of punching down. It's people with relative power keeping black people in 'their place'. By contrast, super-rich white women may still experience sexism, as all women do, but, by-and-large, they still belong to a relatively privileged demographic, and for the most part these women were being mocked not for their gender per se, but for being particularly spoiled and over-privileged examples of white womanhood.


Whoever you "were", thank you for your thoughtful reply.


There's definitely a double standard. I don't know why the other posters have to refer to the history of blackface and minstrel shows, because I sincerely doubt that's what those dopey white guys are mimicking.


This movie is harmless fun. I'm a white guy.
I'm not offended.


I'm also a white guy who is not offended. It is harmless fun, but so is Billy Crystal doing Sammy Davis, Jr. Nobody should be offended by that, either.


I grew up watching The Jeffersons. George made fun of white people all the time. It was and still is hilarious! One of my all-time favorite shows.


Me neither. I always imagine myself as being as Progressive as I can be, but I have to wonder when every person who attends a party and makes the decision to take on the guise of a person of a different color, whether they should be publicly fileted for what is at best an innocent misunderstanding.
I don't think I would have donned blackface for a Halloween party, but I might have, back in the day. Not to be mean, not because I don't respect Black people, it just might have seemed funny back then. Now it's very obvious that it's not, but I wouldn't want to be persecuted for making a naively dumb choice, especially if I am working to HELP the poor and disenfranchised, versus those who want to continue the status quo of white dominance. There's a difference, at least to me.





No, it's not.
Haters want a free pass to be hateful, while pranksters have fun pointing out irony.
The actual movie has little interest for me, but the concept gave me a reason to cogitate on it for a while.


So black guys can do white face but whites can't do black face and that's not a double standard to you?Explain since you've pondered this awhile


If you don't understand the difference - and obviously you don't - then I can't help you and talking about it is akin to kissing a Wooden Indian. What's that gonna do for anyone?


6 months to ponder and this is the reply LOL

Racism is racism you idiot doesn't matter what skin color does it
