MovieChat Forums > Slipstream (2005) Discussion > Retroactive already did it:

Retroactive already did it:

Don’t take my Word for granted but I saw another movie before called retroactive with the same story with only 2 differences with this movie (according to the trailer) in retroactive the story is told by the point of view of the female cop and the device is a massive size structure and in this movie apparently is the point of view of the genius guy which counts and the device is small and mobile. Everything else is almost the same the confrontation of the bad guy, the genius and the policewoman for the control of the machine in a violent situation, things turn worse and everything else including the attempts to widen the time traveling gap. Amazing but the remakes are coming quite much faster these days.


What's even funnier about your observation is that the writers listed under Slipstream did a movie called Retroactive. Which means they've indulged in the grand Hollywood tradition of ripping off themselves.


i watched the trailer too and i went to the website and it seems like an update maybe even an upgrade.. but don't think it classifies as a remake..

but maybe this team did it better.. i read they just won a bunch of awards for the film at a sci fi festival in the UK.. i guess that's the point of a remake.. make it better or at least make it different..

i guess we like to kick the s--t out of hollywood but the truth is about half the remakes i've seen recently are definitely better in some ways than the originals.. certainly different and often in a good way.. And who's to say those films were so "original" anyway? you don't have to be a student of film history to be able to identify a pretty obvious list of sources for a lot of those "classics".. not all of 'em of course but a fair number..

take issue with "the just two differences" argument though.. i mean, you could write Hamlet from Claudius' point of view, or Gertrude's, and it's the same story but a completely different take. and swapping a huge time tunnel for a pocket-size ten minute timewarper should set up the action in a new way.. i guess we'll see..

anyhow. just my ten cents.


Retroactive was a fun thrill ride, almost non-stop once it got going, so it arguably works better as an action movie than as a sci-fi flick, as the premise is mainly used for tons of shootouts, car chases, and fight scenes. But it does twist things around a bit and consequently makes the action scenes a little more clever than usual.


Having seen both films I thought Slipstream was a far better film than the 'original'. The director David van Eyssen's visual style was quite beautiful in parts and the pace and humour in the film made for a really entertaining experience. Maybe it's just that time has passed and standards have risen but even the soundtrack to Slipstream sounded wonderful in comparision to the cheap and cheasy music in Retroactive. We saw Slipstream at the London Sci-Fi Festival and it went down really well with the audience.



I'm quite interested to see how Slipstream will turn out. Retroactive also won a number of fantasy/sci-fi awards, so I'm hoping this will be just as fun (it's got a bigger name cast, too).


there have been episodes of The Twilight Zone, Star Trek, and The Outer Limits that have had similar plots.

