4 out of 5

This film really surprised me. I've got to be honest, I didn't have a lot of hope for it. It just sounded like another action film with "name" actors in it. But I decided to see the flick for myself and I was blown away by what I saw. The opening of the film is stunning. The last twenty minutes is awesome in my opinion. And what's in between made me and the whole audience laugh and give a couple of gasps for the unexpected plot twists. Smart direction. If you get what the director's doing, this is a film that completely pays off. If you don't, like the last reviewer, you're missing the point. Vinny Jones was really funny and I didn't expect to see that. Sean Astin plays this nerdy physics researcher.. ok I know that sounds pretty cheesy but he plays it just right. This is not a big budget hollywood film and it ain't arthouse either but it's a weird mix (weird in a good way) of indie and sci-fi actioner. Overall, I highly recommend. 4 out of 5 stars.


I agree this was a great movie.Might just be oneof the best ive seen IMO.I just wish that they would have had a better budget because they could have done so much more.Either way its great the way it is.


People seems to think that bigger budgets make for better films. I beleive that this is a common misconception. You don't need to spend 40 - 120 millions for a movie to be good.

Anyway, I agree with you Mast3r. I give this film a 5 out of 5.


I concur, as well. The beginning really pleased me, but that might be a bit bias as I am a physics major... I also thought that the plot was quite good, and it ended well. Slipstream was definitely my favorite quote-unquote B movie, or rather less funded movie, that I've ever seen. It even ranks among my favorite of all movies, ever. It's just shear entertainment. An enthusiastic 5 out of 5.


I agree, Slipstream is a great film. Money or no money that film has more ideas packed into it than ten blockbusters. Great fun from start to finish.



The best movie you've ever seen? You've been drinking bongwater or something????

This is the crap that I would expect from someone trying to milk lotr for every penny. They advertised the hell out of having sean astin in the film, that's the only reason it was even on the air. I would give anything to have that 2 hours of my life back and I feel stupider for watching it. The story is just completely full of holes. It's all based on timetravel but is poorly thought out and just does not make sense at all.

If you're going to make a timetravel movie, at least put SOME thought into it. They basically decided "push a button, go back in time. Who cares if it doesn't make sense, it's so k-rad cool doood!". LAME.

What could you have possibly liked about it? You say you like it but don't even say why.



You know, I was reading about people complaining about plot holes in a few other posts, and I'd say a good 90% of them was just people not paying attention.


I agree this movie was crap and I found Sean Astin's character completely irritating. Why couldn't he just stay dead when he kept getting shot? It couldn't decide if it wanted to be a sci-fi, action/adventure, or comedy so it doesn't do justice to any genre. I found this film insulting to my intelligence. This should have been a low budget film, why cast pearls before swine.
