4 out of 5
This film really surprised me. I've got to be honest, I didn't have a lot of hope for it. It just sounded like another action film with "name" actors in it. But I decided to see the flick for myself and I was blown away by what I saw. The opening of the film is stunning. The last twenty minutes is awesome in my opinion. And what's in between made me and the whole audience laugh and give a couple of gasps for the unexpected plot twists. Smart direction. If you get what the director's doing, this is a film that completely pays off. If you don't, like the last reviewer, you're missing the point. Vinny Jones was really funny and I didn't expect to see that. Sean Astin plays this nerdy physics researcher.. ok I know that sounds pretty cheesy but he plays it just right. This is not a big budget hollywood film and it ain't arthouse either but it's a weird mix (weird in a good way) of indie and sci-fi actioner. Overall, I highly recommend. 4 out of 5 stars.